Unschooling WWGUT (What We Got Up To)

August – a speedy review plus WWGUT pics


  • Family nerf wars!
  • I bought the kids fossil dig kits and they set to work excavating immediately. Alex had dinosaur and Daniel got shark teeth.
  • No space in playroom so we had a big clean up, and then set up a cubby to sleep in – the kids had wanted to make a cubby in lounge but i try to avoid so Vio has somewhere to relax when he gets home. The kids set up sleeping bags and we slept there, until about 2am when i couldn’t stand the waking and discomfort any longer!
  • read ‘The book with no pictures’. the kids LOVED it – especially the part about Boo Boo Butt.
  • Science experiments – a glow one was disappointing. We retried with greater success on another occasion when it was darker. Kids love using the syringes so I set up some play with coloured water and mixing.
  • Got a Wild kratts board game in the mail. it’s pretty average. Though Daniel really likes.
  • Watched lego batman movie
  • Playing in the garden
  • Played with Daniels new toys!
  • Kids still both love Wild Kratts
  • Watched movie ‘Capture the Flag’ – Alex in particular loved it.
  • Played board games
  • Made tshirts with puffy paint
  • Science experiment dyeing fabrics. The polyester and wool, only one of them was supposed to take effect with dye. Alex chose the dye that had worked with the wool for the next experiment, but this time both experiments worked (indicating it was the material not dye). The string smelt of iron after we added the iron sulphate solution. 
  • Played together with magnetic tiles, making symmetrical patterns


  • Played minecraft, including star wars mod on PC. He loved building lightsabers!
  • Star wars movies! Alex got to Rogue 1 and didn’t like.
  • Telling us about a Youtube video he watched, and he was surprised that they didn’t even have to do something he thought necessary – then he reasoned that they probably just didn’t show that part – awareness of editing, perceived realities (critical thinking).
  • Talked about species of humans. he thought that our race (colour in his words) meant we were a different species. So we had a chat about how that isn’t so. he also asked about where the ocean came from.
  • Playing monster legends, Jurassic World
  • Found a youtuber that builds box forts and loves to watch!
  • ‘It’s nice to chillax’ – followed by a talk on sloths!
  • Loved Guardians of the Galaxy 2
  • Asking to kite surf – he’s too young and too light. Something to keep a look out for in the future.
  • Watching Slugterra again
  • Told me 100 x 100 = 10000. i asked how he knew that, he said 10 x 100 = 1000. 90 x 100 = 9000. So 9000 + 1000 = 10000. Seriously.
  • Watched some gross videos of people eating odd combinations of food.  We laughed so much.
  • Watched the movie ‘Paper planes’ – he loved the connection to the eagle
  • Built a very windy/curvy train track He showed me the speed the train could go at without derailing.
  • Asking about the starting letters of words


  • Played connect 4
  • Playing lego, including making a duplo world.
  • Building train tracks
  • Made cookies
  • Played cooking fever together
  • Read a book called ‘finger worms’ which he found hilarious when I drew faces on my fingers
  • Loves Blaze
  • Helped me make his birthday cake! Had a great time at his party! he loved being sang to. Then we had pizza for dinner! He excitedly opened his presents back home and then we watched Moana!
  • Daniel asked me if I married Daddy to get a ring!
  • helped me with weeding, feeding them to the chickens.
  • Had an overnight bout of gastro! Slept most of day but meant we missed a party.
  • Took him for his vaccinations. i told him it was like on Doc McStuffins, but he remembered ‘Ryan’ had gotten his and was brave. He did so well, no tears at all.
  • Talking lots more and explaining things, having his own little hypotheses
  • Counting to 12 with 1 to 1 correspondence
  • We did milk experiment
  • happier to spend time alone in playroom, actively engaged in his kitchen or magnetic tiles. Alex still likes to stay close.

Out and About

  • Daniel had an appointment at MCHN. he did just fine and I got a referral about his speech. i’m not overly concerned, but I’d like some advice.
  • Bought fish at the shops, Alex looking at the fish through the glass and thought one was a pike fish – he asked and it turns out he was right!
  • Visits to the library involving playing on the computers
  • Park visits – one of them was a windy day, and Alex suggested he’d go faster down the slide as it was blowing in the right direction (a tail wind I advised). Lots of scooting down ramps.
  • Alex and I went to the Dingo Discovery Centre. It was the BEST day! it was very informative, and Alex listened intently whilst also answering questions about Australian main predator (wedge tail eagle). The puppies were sooo cute! We fed them and played. We bought dingo stuffed toys.
  • Went to ArtVo on a homeschool excursion. It was lots of fun, though the kids didn’t have the endurance that I would have had solo! They enjoyed posing and seeing themselves in the art works. Afterwards we had some ice cream with friends and some tourists stopped at the kids and took heaps of photos, especially of Daniel! We spent all afternoon at the playground playing in the water and sand. Daniel went down the huge slide all by himself, he was so proud!
  • Headed to city to watch ‘Hidden universe’ at IMAX. Alex said it’s called that because we can’t see it 😉 Glad he got it. He thought the telescopes were really cool and learnt some things about stars. Daniel didn’t like it and fell asleep on me! Afterwards we went to the kids section of the museum and explored and played. Alex was really drawn towards the viscous fluids and making bubbles in them.
  • Visited Tieg’s museum at Melbourne Uni. Alex thought it was pretty cool – especially the moa. Daniel loved the giraffe skull. Alex really wanted to stay and complete the treasure hunt but Daniel was not agreeable. So Alex successfully lead us all the way back to the car which was about a kilometre away.
  • Another HS kid had bubble gum and the kids were fascinated so I got them some. They kept asking me how to blow bubbles and didn’t manage to do it. Daniel swallowing the gum 🙁
  • Took neighbours for a swim and then to McDonalds. Alex said it was the best day ever!
  • Visiting grandparents, also staying there when I worked.
  • Visit to Scienceworks. played in music booth, the kids said it was scary! Went to the lightning room. it was loud but the kids liked most of it. Alex gets disappointed when he is not selected as a volunteer, I breathe a sigh of relief! Went to the light time exhibition. i was left unimpressed. the kids rushed through it. We did the standard making cars, made monsters too, raced. 
  • Visited Funtopia for a play. Did some shopping and got snacks at Highpoint.
  • Got V-line (country train) to Woodend. the kids have been asking to do it again for ages. Met up with an old work colleague and played. Alex seemed too big for the park this time.
  • Vio and kids head to the oval frequently for a kick
  • Went to Caulfield Train Show – Alex was talking to the lego people about their trains.
  • Went for a swim. Daniel using just a noodle and leaving my side. Alex has lost technique and is more interested in testing theories such as bubbles in a bubble, doing turns/flips. He said he could practise juggles there if he had a ball.


  • Weekly homeschool park days.
  • Friends over, kids playing games together on iPads.
  • Neighbours come over
  • Visited friends. They live near the beach so it’s a good distraction when things get intense, as they often do. They played in the water, middle of winter! Also got fish & chips. they laughed as i got pooped on by a seagull.
  • Playtime after gymnastics one week saw a very small group of us head to a different park. It was very awkward, Alex was really uncomfortable! The most interesting part was the kids on the seesaw and talking about the physics of it.


  • Football training, both club and VFS. He had Sunday matches and scored 2 goals in one of them!
  • Daniel attended music class. He said he enjoys it but doesn’t want to go anymore!
  • Little ninjas – Alex landed a front flip and earned his yellow belt. Daniel did better in the class, by end of month he front flipped into the foam pit. Alex finally landed a backflip at the end of the month.
  • Gymnastics classes and a play at the park afterwards. One class Daniel was running along the mat whilst holding rings when he was supposed to swing over in a tuck shape. the coach told him to imagine the mat was lava, and so instead he ran around it!
  • Alex had to decide between Little Aths and football at VFS. We tried to make alternative arrangements but it cannot be avoided. He has chosen VFS with the possibility of doing Little Nipper on Sundays.
  • Alex at lego club. he feels the instructor talks too much. I agreed, the kids were too young for a lecture on forces! On another day he had to make a whisk. He really enjoyed that one. Daniel had loads of fun playing with his friends and building train tracks.

Finished cake

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