Deschooling In my head - thoughts on the process of deschooling

The millipedes live on and mindfulness

So, Alex has successfully kept the garden millipedes that are now container bound alive for a whole week! Well, one kind of got broken my chubby fingers… Anyway, we have found out why they need to be in a damp environment from books from the library, have discovered details about their anatomy, and successfully fed […]


Let it be

I have terrible trouble coming up with post names. This one is because I have been too concerned about doing unschooling right and transitioning from deschooling that I know more deschooling is necessary. My kids are young, and even though I get the very occasional heart-stopping, breath-taking, wide-eyed “am I doing the right thing” moments, […]

Deschooling In my head - thoughts on the process of deschooling

Are we unschooling yet?

Are we unschooling yet? I’m not sure, but I do know that I’m not worried about this. I had previously planned to deschool until the end of 2014 (mostly for me) and that I would have this moment when unschooling would start. I even thought this after reading several other blogs, most notably Pam Laricchia’s […]

Deschooling In my head - thoughts on the process of deschooling

Following up that overwhelming future

I’ve been feeling the weight of my task. The responsibility! Whilst I believe that I still have deschooling to do, I have made a few mini steps this week. I’m glad I see this as a huge responsibility, the futures of my children and their happiness is top of my lists (I love lists!). It’s […]

Deschooling In my head - thoughts on the process of deschooling

Backlog blog – letting go of limits

As I’ve said before, we’ve practised gentle parenting and so there has not been a huge paradigm shift. Our two areas of control had always been TV and food. We never announced that we would be dropping limits, it soon became obvious. Instead of saying ‘No, you’ve already had a juice today’, we left Alex […]