Our third and final MSO concert should have been at the weekend, but after Daniel’s objections at the last one we decided to sell the tickets to a friend on the cheap. So instead Alex was going to attend karate. He’d never done a Saturday morning before and had been talking about it for a […]
Category: In my head – thoughts on the process of deschooling
I think we’ve got it
So, I think we’ve found our groove. this week has been especially enjoyable and has just flowed. I have not been reading about unschooling AT ALL for a few months, I am trying to rid my mind of expectations and just follow the interests of the boys. As a result of ‘fallen behind’ in the […]
I’ve read enough, perhaps too much. Time to wait and watch.
I read an interesting comment by Karen James on Sandra Dodd’s site the other day. It said how at first she was trying to do unschooling ‘right’ and it clouded her view of what was working. She decided to stop reading for a while. I think I’m doing the same, I’m trying too hard to […]
Choosing to play
We recently had a lovely day at home. The morning started with blowing up 30 balloons and playing with them. Daniel enjoys this especially and was handing me more and more balloons to blow up. I eventually noticed that he had grouped them by colour and was giving them to me in a preferred order! […]
My latest readings and thoughts on unschooling
I’ve just finished Sandra Dodd’s big book of unschooling. I just couldn’t put it down. I’m understanding the shift from rules to principles much more fully, not that we ever had many rules as such. But I realise that sometimes ‘no’ is a no just because I’m the parent and I’ve decided that ‘good children’ […]
The millipedes live on and mindfulness
So, Alex has successfully kept the garden millipedes that are now container bound alive for a whole week! Well, one kind of got broken my chubby fingers… Anyway, we have found out why they need to be in a damp environment from books from the library, have discovered details about their anatomy, and successfully fed […]
Back to journaling
With all of my recent thoughts on deschooling, I backed off of the connection making for a while. With the advice of Pam Larrichia after I posted a comment on her blog, I’m just going to play. this comes pretty easy to me as my kids don’t like to play by themselves! needless to say […]
Work-home conflict
As an unschooler I find it hard going to work in a school as a teacher. Aside from being away from my kids, I become the person that I don’t want my kids around to other people’s children. Whilst it’s their choice to send their children to school, I do feel like a hypocrite. BUT I […]
What am I doing?
Ok, so 2015 is not as I’d imagined. I thought I’d be deschooled – an indication that I needed to deschool more! I thought I’d have more time. Yet it seems that time is something I am wanting more of. I’m working part time, granted it’s not much maybe the equivalent of 2 days per […]
Overwhelmed… again!
So this week has been our first as official homeschoolers. I know many in the homeschool world will tell me I’m not official yet as I don’t have to register till Alex is 6, but he *should* have been somewhere this year. Whether it was the planned early(ish) entry to school or else kinder. Last […]