
Goodbye athletics, hello football. And check out that art!

Home Alex remembered the eggs experiment. We discovered the shell had dissolved in the vinegar solution, and all that was left was a thin membrane surrounding the egg’s soft insides. It felt like rubber and so the temptation to see how bouncy is was was too much! Alex released it from ever increasing heights and it […]


What’s with all the arthropods? – animals with hard external skeletons and jointed limb

Home Nerf gun wars has been a favorite this week. The kids decided to bust open their piggy bank to buy more. They had about $40 to spend. Alex says nerf wars are his favourite thing now. He’s also calling everything ‘ferocious’. Vio likes to get involved in this one too. The days have been warm […]


A short week – we swam, we CK’d, and we went to the Airshow! FINALLY!

Home Alex woke up from a nightmare so we went to bed together. Then Daniel woke, so we all slept in late together! I love that we are able to do this most days. Rarely are our plans so concrete that we can’t make adjustments or just be late. This is something that I strayed […]


Exploring ideas, ACMI visit, NGBTS party and a great start to Currawong Kids!

Alex is 7! He wanted to be told happy birthday on the minute he was born. Home I made some oobleck in large buckets and the kids had fun jumping in it, sinking into it, throwing it, punching it, and touching it. We talked about solid/liquid properties and how this material had both. Alex started […]


Alex’s last week of being 6 – we did so much!

Rainforest Adventure Alex was excited about visiting the rainforest – he said it was his dream come true! The ranger talked about the dinosaurs and megafauna that lined there millions of years ago. We went on a walk, identifying trees like the mountain ask (second tallest tree in the world!), the two different types of  tree […]


A week of swimming, an intro to Shakespeare and incidental maths

This week we are at the pool everyday for an intensive swim class that we signed up for. Alex enjoyed the lessons – he learned to dive! But he especially enjoyed the playtime that he had with a homeschool friend that was also doing lessons. The boys spent lots of time diving, swimming underwater to […]