We attended a Little Athletics training. It was very windy! Alex was running back and forth around posts. He noticed that in one direction it was easy to run as the wind helped him. in the other direction it was harder as the wind slowed him down. I told him that we call that ‘head and tail winds’. it’s so interesting to see him discover things through experience instead of being told about them.
We visited friends, where Alex played minecraft for many hours! In the car Alex was asking about metals and if someone could break them, he had started talking about making a robot snake. I told him that I could rip some metals – so at home I showed him the aluminium foil! We talked about how it’s the same metal used for cans of drink and aeroplanes and that the thickness is important.
We attended a ‘platypus picnic’ run by Melbourne Water. Alex was the oldest. It was OK, the kids enjoyed I think, but it was very cold! The kids put a huge fabric habitat and wildlife together, heard a story, saw some pondlife and made a clay dinosaur (well, I did that last part for them!) We went to Brimbank afterwards, there were lots of families around. Alex was helping a boy to throw a boomerang (he’s very good at it!). He spent lots of time wrestling with a boy very similar in energy/noise levels to him. But there was a noticeable divide between the kids. On the way home we stopped to buy something for LA and ended up with an ant farm and paw patrol toy!
Totally different to the previous day, it was gloriously warm! The kids wanted to head to the beach. The friend that Alex played with at Brimbank lives at the beach and so we met up. The play wasn’t quite as successful as the previous day, more the other kid was having a hard day. It worked out in the end. We built castles with moats, went in the still cold ocean, and found lots of soldier crabs. We had an icecream before we left of course!
We went to an incursion called ‘Seaweed Sally’. The presenter was fascinating! And very good with the kids. She showed the kids all kinds of marine life – lots of bones, shells, and a rockpool with live animals.Alex really enjoyed it! Daniel only really liked the parts where he got to touch.
Gymnastics was back on this week, but Alex had a terrible time. He got upset because he had no partner – he and 2 others had been squabbling about partners and trying to be first, and Alex got the short end of the stick and ended up alone 🙁 He told me that he was crying, I said i looked in and saw him on the trampoline and he looked Ok to which he responded “I was facing the wall so no one could see my tears”. i felt so terrible for him 🙁
The weekend held Little Athletics for Alex, he enjoyed the new events he got to try. Also karate presentation.. It was also Jacob’s birthday party which had to be relocated to Kidz City from the park as the weather was terrible! There were some characters dressed up – Spiderman and Paw PAtrol, Daniel hated them!
At home – we’ve read books, played minecraft together (got a cool city map), played dinosaurs, played hide & seek, watched TV, painted wooden aeroplanes, played in in the garden, played rat-a-tat cat and chess – Alex has added a rule or two and sometimes dictates my moves. I don’t mind, he’s learning how to play the game by exploring it. We had lots of fun playing softball, I was bowling, Alex batted and Daniel was fielder. It was nice to all be involved. Alex had done the bubble challenge again. Vio had a DVD that he put on for kids, i forget what it was, but it didn’t work properly. Alex said it lagged, which was true! Some jargon he has picked up (and understood) from his youtube watching. So Vio and Alex played MarioKart instead.