
Christmas Week and Festivities

Co-op this week was a Christmas Party. We had lots of food and treats to share, sang some carols, and we did a Kris Kringle. The kids were so busy playing together and exploring the park that it took them ages to get interested in opening presents. The boys were pretty happy with their lot – some crafty things. We saw a corella in the trees at the park where we sit, which was a good coincidence as we had just looked them up in the Vic Field Guide to Birds that morning. When we got home, Alex watched TV for quite some time. I think it’s his down time after so much socialising and play.

In the evening we played lego and went in the garden. Daniel wanted to read ‘the Very Hungry caterpillar’ and Alex soon joined us. We had a very late night for some reason! YAWN.

On Wednesday we stayed home as we’d planned to go to city with Vio in the evening to see the Christmas lights. We played duplo, puzzles, Junior Monopoly and got some new toys in the mail from Craig (Optimus Prime transformer). We did an experiment with magnets as Alex seems quite interested and I found some iron filings that Vio had brought home from work. Unfortunately the pattern wasn’t as great as I expected but the kids had fun. I also helped Alex build an electromagnet. It worked ok, but Alex found it fiddly and then lost interest whilst waiting for me to finish it.








Christmas Eve! Alex is excited. We did lots of prep for Christmas Day – cleaning up mostly. Vio did some prep for his feast 🙂 I played chess again with Alex, Alex played his Wild Kratts games on his iPad and both boys sat with Vio to read books. Alex also wanted to know what the longest animal in the world was so we looked it up and found it was the Lion’s Mane Jellyfish. Alex wanted to go to bed early so he would wake up early for Christmas presents. I said I’d wake him if he wanted, but he insisted that his ears don’t work when he’s sleeping! I gave the boys some new pjs for Christmas eve, they were Avenger onsies so probably a bit too much for such a warm night!

CHRISTMAS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

So both kids woke up a million times overnight so I felt terrible! Probably the onsies!!  In the morning Alex was up at 6:30am, and woke Vio who insisted Daniel be up before we opened presents! So off Alex went to wake Daniel. the kids were happy with their lot – I was completely amazed to see that out of everything (transformers, scalextric and trains) that Alex chose to play with the new chess board first!!!! After that Alex opened his transformers and I helped his transform them into robots from trains. We set up the scalextric which was heaps of fun! My mum sent some extra things that the kids liked, except Alex wasn’t impressed with his spelling game! He hates anything like that!


We had a great lunch, Vio’s parents came by for a few hours and then we all had naps! Alex and Vio were playing chess, and Alex was explaining castling to Vio as I’d recently shown him (after having to look it up myself!)

We went to bed late and I asked Alex if he’s had a good day. He said it was the best Christmas! It really was nice to stay home and just take the day as it came.



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