
Enforced home time!

So my last post talked about what we do when we choose to stay home. This week we were forced to stay home! We visited Kidz City on the Monday, Alex had been asking for ages. I don’t like to go often because of the cost – not just to get in but for the ‘food’ as well. It happened to be Melbourne Cup Eve and so lots of schools make it a curriculum day. So the centre was quite busy, but not ‘party busy’ and filled with kids more Alex’s age. They tend to have lots of toddlers and preschoolers during the week understandably. Whilst we were running around the centre, I  noticed a nasty smell, and so I anticipated the sickness that followed in our house later that week!

We built a cubby in the playroom using the beach tent and a sheet for the door. The kids built train tracks inside it and used it as a hiding spot. Alex asked me to help him build his lego police truck. It took sooo loonngg because all of the pieces are mixed. I have decided we need an organising system. I started to sort them by colour later in the week, but the kids have since dumped them back into the large container again!

The TV and iPad have been used lots as of Wednesday when the gastro hit. But we’ve also read some library books that have been sitting there for ages! We don’t read as much as we used to. Alex and I go through phases of night time reading, and Daniel mostly sticks to books with maisy or trains in them!

We managed to get out of the house briefly to pick up our fixed water pump, so on the way we visited the pet shop. I suggested to Alex that perhaps the canaries would like some toys and so he chose a few bits. He was very keen to put them in their cages when we got home, and especially likes their swing. The canaries seem to like it too 🙂

Alex has suggested that we play animal charades. We have a board game like this where you pick a card and imitate an animal, but Alex wanted to make one up himself. One of his impressions was of a lobster life cycle – from egg, through larva to adult! He had recently watched an episode of Wild Kratts about it – we love that show! I found his choice quite amusing and unique!

Alex came across our old box of beads that we used to use for threading. He decided he wanted to make some patterns. Daniel got in on the action and I was surprised that he was able to thread the beads – they are very small, not like the chunky ones you find at kinders etc. Alex created some patterns then saw me make a rainbow for Daniel and copied it.

We had burger and chips one night, Alex’s favourite! Alex asked me to cut his burger into quarters. He ate one of them and told me he could eat each quarter in 3 bites! I asked him how many for the whole burger then and he worked it out to be 12 almost immediately (I probably shouldn’t have done that but Alex was keen to think about it).

We had a huge rain storm on Thursday, with a massive 33mm coming down! In the late morning we headed to the nearby park, mostly to just get out of our house after the enforced quarantine. It was a bad move on our part. The rain rolled in and we were soaked to the skin! Once we’d warmed up and dried off we found some games to play. Daniel is enjoying hide and seek. Shame he doesn’t know that being quiet is part of hiding! Such a funny age. I remember Alex always his under the table at this age and i would pretend to go looking for him, narrating my journey.


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