
Hypotheses, wildlife parks, and more

  • Movies!
  • Kids playing ‘hide the magnetic tiles’and challenged each other to find them.
  • Alex and Daniel doing sessions of football together outside, Alex helps Daniel
  • Painted with water colours 
  • Did ‘Tin Monsters’ science experiment 
  • Spent the day at ILS whilst i worked. Built forts and played in iPads
  • Science experiments with coloured vinegar and bicarb!








  • Making train tracks and magnetic tile towers
  • Daniel noticing things like his and Alex’s hot chocolates ‘not level’
  • Asking for McDonalds a lot as ‘Ryan has it
  • Interesting observation when he spilt some water and used a towel to clean up – it spread and then got sucked up
  • Did a treasure hunt (he’s been talking about the Easter egg hunt forever so i bought chocolate coins)
  • We made cake together
  • I love the way he says ”connect” (Kwect)
  • Cooking in his kitchen – playdough cup cakes with sprinkles!


  • Has been practising on his drum pads
  • Playing War Robots and minecraft (me too)
  • Watched Star Wars movies (loving them)
  • Helped Gigi with his pigeons
  • Watching lots of minecraft gaming on YouTube
  • Alex said he had a hypothesis about saliva – I forget what it was but his language amazes me
  • Alex recently asked why the toilet level doesn’t rise when you pee, which led to a discussion about how rats breathe in U-bends
  • Played ‘I Spy’ and Alex picked ‘b’for bird and ‘sh’ for shine – he gave a clue for the latter one that you could only see it at certain angles!
  • Asked me how helicopters go forward and don;t just keep going up. So I told him about the blades being shaped and able to swivel to push back air. Alex says they must be at an angle too.
  • Another hypothesis of Alex’s – % of water yo drink that comes out as pee and other % goes through skin.
  • Practising juggles

Out and About

  • Our last day at Currawong Kids. Daniel really got into the treasure map idea – like a  hide and seek game. Alex loves to throw rocks in the creek. The day also ended badly with the kid that has shown a clear dislike for him punching him in the face!
  • Went to Ballarat Wildlife park on a homeschool excursion. Alex got upset about a boy hurting him, I explained to Alex that this boy has some hard things happening in his life at the moment with his mum being ill. Later that day he went to talk to the boy, and mentioned what I had told him! I was a little mortified but his actions of going to the boy and expressing empathy was quite beautiful. The park was ok. The kids enjoyed it – mostly the free-range kangaroos and getting to feed them. They saw quite a few joys and were very interested in the alpacas. The dingo talk was ok too, and the kids got to pat one. We successfully navigated the gift shop with minimum impact!









  • Ran some errands and stopped off at a new park
  • Alex attended ‘Cool Experiments’, he told me about ice bubbles and cold burns. We explored Scienceworks a little too. Daniel spent most of the time designing cars (he likes to write his name), he liked the space simulator too. 
  • Had a few hours at Hollyburton doing some t-shirt art. Alex was pretty critical of his abilities, but he stuck with it the longest of all the kids. He wanted to wear it immediately but i explained it needed to be sealed by ironing and washed. he asked ‘what’s ironing? LOL!
  • Visited Healesville Sanctuary an had a great day! Alex got to feed an emu as we arrived. We saw all the animals. The kids loved ‘Spirit of the Sky’, they fed parrots, played at the playground – we were laughing at how Alex wouldn’t jump to reach the monkey bars as he was scared (he laughed too). Eventually he did it! We had the animal hospital all to ourselves and the vet talked to the kids about  a frog that will remain captive. The rangers interacted with the kids so well! The koalas were in a new home, the kids loved the close up echidnas, and the tasmanian devil that ran laps. We left at park close after a big play at the playground and the kids slept all the way home! At home they watched Wild Kratts – 2 episodes with Aussie animals they’d seen that day









The funniest thing happened with this bird! It kept bobbing it’s head as the boys did it! i caught it on video, but it won’t upload!

  • Mud Day! I was a little reluctant but it ended up being an awesome day! Alex went down the mudslide so many times. Daniel played with the clay. They finished up with a nice warm hot chocolate.









  • Short park play after gymnastics
  • Neighbours come over to play – iPads and football in garden
  • Dinner at cousins’s house and ILS house – lucky to get sarma! Alex says Buni is the best cook. The kids have been much warmer to Buni, telling her ï love yo”and giving hugs. i can see that she really appreciates it as it’s so genuine.
  • Had a football team friend and sister over to play. the kids mostly played football. Vio joined in too.
  • Park days with homeschool group – scooting and playing. However Alex only had one person he felt like playing with, and when they left he got a little sulky. So we left too and went home via the library. Daniel chose loads of books and we read a penguin one as soon as we got home.
  • We went to the playground and I timed the kids on an obstacle course and they challenged themselves on this cool climbing frame that lead to a slide. once their friends arrived, we went to the neighbouring skate park and the kids scooted around.
  • Went to a friend’s birthday party, was a nice play.
  • Bounce event – Alex hung out with all the other boys – there’s a big bunch of them! Always a fun end to the term



  • Both kids in gymnastics, Daniel more independent and fully participating
  • Alex had football training, with club and VFS. Also a few hard football matches.
  • Took Daniel to a music class. He seemed to really enjoy it and said he wanted to go back. Alex watched from the other side of the room and smiled at Daniel enjoying himself. 

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