
A lot of experimenting

  • Science experiment with coke and mentos, and diet coke and mentos to see which one would be best. First we did in a flask but it didn’t work well, so we used the bottles instead and it was much better. the diet coke was the best reaction though
  • Daniel has been watching dinosaur train. Alex suggested that buddy (the tyrannosaurus) was in a pteranodons nest because they both begin with ‘ter’ (sound). Explain that one phonics!!! I just mentioned that whilst they made the same sound the spelling was quite different but he wasn’t looking at the words so I left the explanation at that.
  • Movies – we all love a good movie!
  • Back into watching Wild Kratts – there are some new episodes on Netflix. Alex really wants to meet the Kratt bros
  • Neighbours came over and kids played iPad and Mario karts
    Bubble painting

    Painting with coloured bubbles – a huge mess but they had fun experimenting

  • Read a book about the Royal flying Doctors, kids were pretty interested!
  • Sugar snake experiment – I’ve been wanting to do this one for ages but we have subscribed to a chemistry program and we get sent everything we need! the kids thought it was pretty cool.
  • Experimenting with coloured water – using pipettes, test tubes etc and mixing colours. Alex noticed that when you fill a test tube, it doesn’t sit flat but forms a ‘bubble’
    Sugar snake monster experiment

    Mixing colours







  • Kids drawing pictures whilst Vio watches football and their iPads are charging!
  • Had a day of vio home doing some bits around the house such as fixing Alex’s scooter. Alex watched and made lots of suggestions.
  • Building forts/cubby in the living room


  • Plays in his kitchen
  • Recognises A for Alex and D for Daniel, also ‘x’ is in Alex
  • Making potions in the garden with sand/water/chalk/sticks/gravel etc
  • Watching youtube ‘Ryan’s toys’
  • Playing with duplo, he likes to follow the instructions.
  • Unwell with ear ache and so we spent much of the day watching Doc McStuffins
  • Made playdough
  • Playing trains, and making tracks. Usually he asks for my help


  • Gaming – School of Dragons, pixel gun, feed & grow fish, wild kratts, roblox tycoons, and of course minecraft (I played a few times too or helped him with reading and working out new games). He recognises the word ‘no’, and i think he may be recognising some action words from his gaming.
  • Doing football sessions at home
  • Watching youtube – some kid with a hamster called ‘Hammy’, and his cage mods
  • Alex attended a party of a friend who has returned to homeschooling. He didn’t really know anyone there and said he was alone a lot. But he was very happy to win a pez dispenser in ‘Pass the parcel’ so I had to go to the shops and get one for Daniel!
  • He lost a tooth during half-time at a football match whilst biting into an orange!
  • Playing draughts (checkers)
  • For some reason that I no longer remember, Alex asked what 5 x 7 was (I think he was working out how long until something was happening in days perhaps). I said that it was the same as 7 x 5. He said he wanted to work it out himself and did so by counting by 5s.
  • Watching the Star Wars Clone Wars series again

Out and About

  • We attended an ‘aboriginal games day’. Alex enjoyed throwing boomerangs and managed to get his boomerang to return, much to his delight and the applause of others. He wasn’t interested in playing the other games (footy) and so we went to look at the weapons. Alex asked what one item was, and Daniel replied “it’s a shield Alex”. We played in the playground for a while
  • Headed to the park all of us as Alex wanted to practise football. he also brought the glider. We went to Micki’s for dinner and the kids played with their cousins. the kids did a show after dinner (Emily usually drives this) and then the kids had a dance off – they all had some pretty cool moves!
  • Visited the Incinerator Gallery. It was a great activity this time – pendulum painting! It was very messy but incredibly fun.







  • Visited a friends house. Kids had a great time playing nerf wars, and minecraft. Alex got really upset about his horse being killed! Daniel played in the sand. After lunch we went to the skate park where Alex had a try on his friend’s skateboard. the kids scooted heaps and tried out the various ramps. they saw a guy on the BMX track and watched him.
  • Park with friends after gymnastics
  • Playing with friends at a new park – trying to stop the water flowing!

    Met some friends we’ve met at Currawong Kids at a new park in Port melbourne. Was a pretty awesome spot. The kids had a lot of fun climbing, and mixing sand/water and making mountains. On the water table, the kids tried to block the water from escaping. They also played on the outdoor gym. When our friends left, we walked down to the beach. Daniel wanted his bathers! i suggested we tested the water first with our feet and if he was still keen I’d go get his bathers. Well, he barely out a toe in and declared it too cold! Alex found a shell with a hole in it and told anyone that would listen about how a carnivorous snail did it to eat the herbivorous snail.

  • Visited a friend’s house. Kids played on iPads (minecraft generally) and also a game where they were dogs – they used leads and everything!
  • Park day with homeschoolers – Danie played mums and dads with his friend. Alex scooted around with his friend and they made a little base.



  • Gymnastics – Daniel got back into it and even enjoyed it so I was relieved.
  • Alex at football training, Daniel scoots around the pitch and plays with other kids in the meantime.
  • Alex has also been attending VFS training sessions and practising at home.
  • Alex tried a drum lesson. He liked it, but found it hard. He practised the rhythm at home but the lessons seemed expensive and I wasn’t overly keen on the instructor so I decided to buy him pads and we’d use youtube to lean as he saw fit. The same night of his lesson, Alex struggled to fall asleep as he was counting rhythms! 
  •  Football games – Alex almost scored – he hit the post!
  • Alex decided he wants to quit wrestling. he said he had mixed feelings about it so we talked through whether the good parts were enough to make the bad parts worth it. He decided no.
  • The kids want to go swimming more, but not take lessons.

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