
The rest of May!

Today is the 31st of july! I am so behind on this blog and so I am hoping to capture the month of May in brief…


  • Kids co-built a train track whilst I was busy with food co-op work. Also they play together with the magnetic tiles.

    Colourful ice cubes

  • Watching How to train your dragon series again. Probably really a first for Daniel, though he doesn’t sit for it so much as Alex does. Also Odd Squad. Also lots of movies.
  • Kids made birthday cards for nanny and we sent them at the post office.
  • As we did some gardening, kids drew chalk pictures outside. Daniel has been making a ‘potion’.
  • Watched movies, including this rather odd one about snakes. I forget the title but Alex especially enjoyed it! Also we watched the BFG, Alex thought it was hilarious about the farting from the bubbles in the drink going down. Alex saw the queen’s corgis about to drink and said they’ll shoot off like rockets, and they did!
  • Read some books, most remembered was Mr McGee and the biting flea as kids thought it was hilarious to see mr mcgee strip so you could see his bum and bits!
  • Froze some colourful water in ice trays and then watched which one would melt fastest though kids can’t help but touch so I let them know that their interference affects the results of the experiment! So then they tried to speed it up intentionally by blowing on their favourite colours to win!
  • Alex and Vio played Mario Karts when I worked and as they waited for Daniel to wake.
Vio’s birthday



  • Dividing/categorising lots such as splitting beads into containers and counting them. Counting lots of things lately!
  • In his kitchen

    play cooking, made some colourful rice to use

  • football sessions in the garden, Alex seems to see how certain skill practices impact his game
  • Daniel painted his kitchen. I asked him about it, and he said he was decorating!
  • He enjoys vacuuming the playroom, especially all the rice he spills in his kitchen.
  • Enjoys playing animal charades
  • has been quite explosive
  • watching Diego and Dora a lot
  • played bus stop game
  • making train tracks and building marble runs on the wall 
  • Marble run on the wall


  • minecraft, both alone and with me. We mined and explored our survivor worlds. he got a greek mythology texture pack that he liked briefly then reverted to default
  • new iPad game called ‘build a bridge’. He quite enjoyed the challenge
  • Alex spoke (at bedtime) about how the brain makes things happen in our bodies and likened it to an electrical circuit
  • playing lots of animal simulator games
  • bought a fidget spinner with his pocket money
  • enjoying playing checkers, recently learned on request
  • playing HTTYD on iPad, and feed & grow fish on PC
  • Got a new game called pixelgun
  • He wants a hamster
  • He was talking about how your eye gets bigger and smaller in the light, I named it as the pupil in his eye and we looked at a picture of an eye whilst he explained it all to me. 

Out and About

  • Skate park – Alex has been a little more daring and certainly feels he is being so. He is surprisingly cautious.
  • Visited a park that’s new to us (though not in itself new) and saw how badly designed the sand pit and features were! Was interesting to talk about it. 
  • Dentist trip was a success! I was surprised at how confident Daniel was in the chair given his refusal to go at all. Even Alex admitted that s was no big deal
  • We went for a family visit to newport lakes. It was a lovely afternoon! The kids loved the stepping stones across the lake, looking for fish, and reading the food web on the other side. 
    Trying out the shelter we found
    Checking out the food web

    Searching for fish from the stepping stone











  • Visiting Hamer hall in the city to watch the MSO was pretty cool. Daniel loved the trumpet! The kids noticed the spit that dripped out when he lowered it. Gross! We also went to the NGV to check out the new kids space. The kids were more interested in watching a lady cleaning the gutters in the garden. Alex asked lots of questions about the tools she was using and why!

    James Morrison and the MSO


  • We did some planting with the ranger at brimbank, kids planted grasses, hammered in stakes and secured guards before watering the plants in
  • Currawong kids was great – the kids built a fire from scratch! everyone pitched in. Alex loves to do this. Afterwards daniel was riding his bike down the ramp, it looked like great fun! Alex brought home a stick from Darebin parklands and said it would be his spear hunting stick. He spent ages at home outside sharpening it. it split and he got a little upset but decided to glue it and bind it like maui’s hook.
fire complete!
Starting a fire
Alex spotted this katydid












  • Scienceworks talks – Alex got up and volunteered of course. it was about ‘toys & forces’. Daniel spent lots of time designing his car.
  • The kids have previously seen a red double decker tour bus and wanted to get on, so I found a groupon to get on without going bankrupt… We went with a friend also. We got on at harbourtown, alighted at lygon St for ice cream. Got back on and alighted again at Fitzroy gardens where we spent lots of time exploring the new creek feature with rocks for jumping across, plus played in the piles of autumn leaves gathered on the ground. We got to fed square on another tour bus, all the time sitting on top deck, then finally caught a tram back to harbour town. What an exhausting day! But loads of adventure.
    top deck!
    Beautiful natural playspace at fitzroy gardens

    rolling in autumn leaves











  • On another CK we built a nes – Daniel really enjoyed helping with this one. Alex not so much and instead played in a cubby within a tree with some friends. We walked across the stepping stones to the billabong. On my sit spot i saw a beautiful (azure) kingfisher! We played some games, nut at the end a little boy went missing so we went looking for him. Fortunately he was found.
  • Vio took Alex to a football match (Avondale).
  • We went out for burgers for vio’s birthday to the best new place! We all LOVED it!
  • Vio took kids to the zoo.


  • Visited a friends house where the big kids played nerf wars and the little ones played cooking in the sand pit. the kids picked some flowers, which made the car smell wonderful for the drive home!
  • Had friends over. Alex wanted to use a straw as a pea shooter. i found that popping corn worked well in terms of size and soon all the kids were doing it. Alex experimented with the size and quantity.
  • Park days – Alex off playing with friends in the woods. Daniel scoots, swings and plays in sand pit. When specific friends of Alex’s don’t come to the park, he gets quite disappointed and feels he can’t play with anyone else. He does not do well in games where there is imaginative happenings!
  • After gymnastics the kids go to the playground with friends. often they end up near the creek, exploring.


  • Football training for Alex as usual. Daniel and I race scooters, time laps, or get out the magnifying glasses to look at things up close. He even asked to measure things so I got out the tape! He has found a new friend in one of the younger siblings of another layer. They are the same age so it works quite well!
  • Wrestling for Alex, though I’ve started to drop him off as Daniel was not doing well there waiting around.
  • Saturday morning training sessions are going well too.
  • First day back at gymnastics but Daniel refused to participate so we sat together in the car!
  • Alex scored his first goal! He played well too.

Not bad! I quite like this format, it’s less wordy and diary like.

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