We made a lava lamp with pop tops by pouring in glucose syrup, washing up liquid, coloured water and oil. I was inspired by scienceplay as Alex was interested in the density tubes. The kids noticed that 4 layers formed. They shook it and bubbles formed and we left it for a few hours to separate, which it did mostly but the water and washing up liquid remained mixed (my bad!) The kids put the bottles on their sides and watched how they layers filled the bottle, but horizontally. It took ages for the thick glucose to spread.
In the play room Vio and the boys made a game out of doing the vehicle puzzles and raced. Daniel did really well and watching him pick up pieces with his chubby little fingers is adorable!
On Good friday the kids did an easter egg hunt – they couldn’t wait til Easter Sunday, in fact it was hard enough to get them to wait this long! They really loved it and said it was loads of fun. We counted the eggs first so that we knew how many to find, and Alex worked out how many that would be each. in the garden i hid them in pairs, my intention was to hide them quickly i.e. half as many hiding places, but an interesting thing happened. the kids shared an egg from each pair no matter who found which, so they had no need to count at the end and check they were even. It was really sweet to watch them work together and not in competition as I had expected. They had no dinner that night except chocolate! We had a nice family lunch for Easter on the Sunday, with everyone bringing a plate to share but of course the sarma were the main interest! the neighbours came over to give Alex and Daniel an easter egg, and there were some interesting conversations overheard about the easter bunny – Alex just plays along and listens! Alex asked them to stay, and they all played quite nicely. they even went home to grab a few more eggs for Emily and jacob which was very kind.
We watched lots of movies of course, one being Spirited Away. Alex said he didn’t like it much when we were watching, but the next morning he wanted to watch it again! There was a movie about polar bears too 9one of them could talk to humans, I didn’t watch it all with them).
We made some fossils with clay, Alex wanted me to do them for him because apparently he ‘can’t’. So i just showed him so ways that I was making patterns, or making impressions that looked likes leaves or skeletons. He was quickly satisfied and started doing similar things of his own. We left them to dry for a few days and them buried them in the sand pit.
I’ve started working occasionally and Vio has been able to stay home with the kids. they worked int he garden at Vio’s parents building some raised beds. they were on iPads a lot and had the neighbours over for a play. the following day the weather was terrible and the kids were restless, so i took them to a playcentre. We had fun, I was running around with Daniel mostly and Alex was usually not far away.
Has been playing games on his ipad and watching gamers on youtube. He has also played chess with Vio and myself, as well as draughts (checkers). He’s been watching Ben 10 on TV, so i’ve made him a new list that i have stuck just behind TV so that he can find anything with the search function on STAN as it’s not as user friendly as netflix for non-readers. We’ve also started reading ‘Who is Steve irwin?’ though we haven’t finished it yet. He’s been enjoying playing feed and grow fish too. Watching those youtube videos of people playing the game has really paid off since he knew exactly what to do and how. During one dinner time 9fish and polenta), Alex noticed the consistency of the polenta changed as it cooled down. Such a little thing but whole lessons are spent teaching kids this concept that is so readily observed in life.
We used the mag tiles to make a floor – we were putting the tiles in various configurations to make patterns with no gaps. Daniel was talking about angles and how they would fit together. He had a good grasp of which tile would fit where and even how to combine them to get what he wanted. We played Blokus together – we change the rules and use the shapes to cover the whole area without gaps. Daniel has also enjoyed playing with his duplo, making houses and trains and in the sand pit or sawing wood. And Daniel wouldn’t be Daniel if we didn’t play in his kitchen and make a mess! this time it was with oats. We’ve also made playdough together which led us to pizzas.
Out and About
We received a last minute invite to the currawong Kids school holiday program (for free! as places were available). How nice to drive to Alphington on a public holiday! We did a little scavenger hunt, followed by a walk to the duck ponds, a few games of eagle eye, a walk up Mt puffalo and down to the egg where we tried to push it over (and we spotted a brown praying mantis!), then finally off to a sit spot. Alex and two brothers didn’t feel like a sit spot, so they played in a huge tee having a grand and loud time! We did the tree feeling activity and walked back.
We went to a bike ed event that I had organised. Alex had to borrow a bike as his tyres are flat. Alex had loads of fun hanging out with some old homeschooling friends that have returned to the scene, as well as with some good friends. I watched Daniel do some riding, but mostly he played on the slide and swings.
The kids drew and wrote cards for the birthday party we were going to, Alex wrote without insisting that he couldn’t (copying what I had scribed for him using his words). Vio took us to the city in the car and stayed for a short while. Alex wa upset as he felt left out, but soon overcame that and became the life and soul of the party. I reminded him that it was Ari’s birthday, her special day and that’s where the attention should be. Alex found a new friend to connect with. the kids ran pretty wildly at the playground! Eventually we left, and and walked over to the museum. On the way Alex asked what 1/4 of 1/4 was. I said 1/16 – it’s like splitting each of your 1/4s in 4. And he said ‘oh yeah 4,8, 12, 16’. In the museum, the kids agreed to go to the rainforest gallery first. We saw tadpoles! And a turtle, frogs, lots of birds, although not the male bowerbird this time. After, we walked on the indigenous trail towards the eels. inside the children’s gallery the kids painted butterflies, climbed, danced, went outside for the bubbles in viscous liquids and had a brief look at the fossils. We had to leave because they were closing! The kids must have had a good day as they both fell asleep on the train!
We restarted currawong kids for the term. Daniel didn’t enjoy the first day back too much. We went for a walk, Mel took the kids away from the adults down to the creek and they played games and face painted with ochre. Daniel and I sat and drew and found millipedes. The next week we made fire – well the kids all tried to make their own, and finally they came together successfully. The creek was so swollen that we couldn’t cross it! there was lots of mud and puddles to play in – the kids noticed how squishy it was and played at scooping water, throwing rocks etc into the creek to hear the ‘plop’! Alex came into some issues with brothers that attend. Unfortunately they have taken a dislike to him and they are being quite mean and sneaky. mel dealt with it at the end, and she’s been very aware of their language towards him and calling them out on it.
My kettle broke – devastating! So we popped out for a new one. The kids chose a transparent glass kettle with lights so we could watch the water boil. Was quite fascinating, and almost mesmerising!
We finally attended a lego session at watergardens, not as great as I had envisioned!
Our scienceworks sessions started, or rather Alex’s did! The first week was a planetarium show ‘tycho to the moon’. Alex has seen before but enjoyed nonetheless. He told the presenters when they asked the kids what they knew about the moon that ‘it has no atmosphere and so it has craters’. Someone else said something about cheese… Daniel and I played in Nitty gritty.
We finally had our planting day, planting native grasses. then we hung out at Brimbank park with friends for a while.
We attended a parkour session that I had organised in the city. Was fun to use the city rather than an idealised room. Alex enjoyed it, though complained of kids distracting him and losing focus. They practised jumping over things, pulling themselves up onto things and running up walls.
We met up with old (schooled) friends for a play at a park we’d not been to before. the kids grew bored quickly after scooting a while and the play equipment was pretty average. they wanted to cross the creek so eventually we did. They enjoyed the scoot to the bridge and crossing the creek, and preferred the obstacle course style layout of the play equipment. but of course nature won and they all ran up a hill and down it again, several times! I’m grateful that no one tumbled and broke bones!
We were supposed to have caretaker day, but it was cancelled last minute so we invited friends over for a play. The kids mostly played minecraft, Daniel is a bit left out as he’s not interested!
We had other friends over for the first time, the kids enjoyed having them to play.
Kids and I went to another party – Daniel’s friend. Daniel dressed up as a fireman, though he played mostly by himself. Alex went off with the older kids and played lego, cars and ball games.
Alex has been doing his sessions, sometimes with resistance but he made n agreement with Vio that i’m helping him to uphold. He’s always glad to have done them, it’s getting him to that place that’s tricky without nagging! He asks lots of questions as he does it – one was ‘ what is 1/3 cut into 1/4s called’. I said 1/12 so he replied that 4/12 + 2/3 = 1 whole.
Alex has been attending wrestling and I’m trying to entertain Danile for an hour with sticker books, card games (match and snap) and colouring. It feels like a long hour! But another younger sibling joined us for our games so that helped a little.
Football training has continued too. Alex is really enjoying it. Daniel is finding other kids to play with, or else we play in dirt piles, puddles or scooter races! Vio has started a special training session (his football school) that a couple of kids are attending. Alex did really well and enjoyed it immensely. Alex also had his first game. he was so excited! he was very nervous about being goalkeeper, I was nervous about how Daniel would be! The kids played really well, they played against a good team and conceded quite a few goals without scoring! Poor Alex, I felt bad for him to have such a huge responsibility for his first game! Vio gave him a tip at half time to come out of goals, then he came out too much! Vio’s U12 team were amazing and stayed behind him through most of the game offering support. I’m glad he didn’t get upset, he did great. The next week he played on pitch. It was a very early start but he didn’t mind! in fact he almost scored a goal and said it was the best day!
We’ve been on a few late night swims to use up our Active April few passes. It’s nice to have the pool to ourselves! We play crocodiles, drag each other around, and just play – especially with the water skipper! We had the space to pass back and forth. Alex was trying to get it to bounce out of the water onto the sides, and when it did he awarded himself points – but fractions, and he kept adding them up! Daniel has been trying to swim solo with the support of a noodle and is able to get around a bit.