Alex remembered the eggs experiment. We discovered the shell had dissolved in the vinegar solution, and all that was left was a thin membrane surrounding the egg’s soft insides. It felt like rubber and so the temptation to see how bouncy is was was too much! Alex released it from ever increasing heights and it bounced until finally it exploded!
We also got started on the dinosaur puzzle that Alex was given as a belated birthday present recently. They’ve also watched a movie called ‘capture the Flag’ multiple times, and we adapted it to a nerf gun wars. It worked really well as there was an end to the game and an objective rather than random shooting. We’ve been singing before sleep time, the kids both love it! It delays my intended ‘early’ nights sometimes, but at least everyone goes to sleep happy. There was of course more movie watching – the kids like movies as they don’t often agree on the show to watch. We spent some time building with all of the cardboard boxes I had in the garage from my food coop order – Daniel made a car, and Alex made a truck with a trailer. He wanted more carriages but the attachments weren’t going as well as he’d hoped for. I made a few suggestions, one of which he accepted but it only gave a slight improvement.
Daniel started playing a new iPad cooking game that he had seen his cousin use the day before. We had a little bit of fun with that. He’s been watching lots of Blaze too. Playing match with the Avengers cards has also continued.
Alex got a new flight sim – he just loves them! He is also still loving Odd Squad and does the egg mayo ‘rap’ which is hilarious! one afternoon i noticed Alex kept repositioning himself every time I went past him whilst on his iPad. I was cleaning up. At the third time he suddenly said defensively ‘stop coming past me will you!’ So I sat by him and asked what he was watching. He got mad and handed me the iPad, I looked at the history and saw minecraft sex mod videos. About 3 of them, each of them only watched for a few seconds. He said he didn’t want to tell me as he thought I’d get mad – I promised I wasn’t mad. Then he said it was unfair – he thought the video was one thing but he got tricked and it was something else he didn’t like. He deleted youtube in a rage, but a short while later asked for it back. He said he hoped the videos were gone – I deleted them from his history whilst he’d moved away. I’m really proud of him for his conclusion, I said so little to him about it. I am a little disappointed that he didn’t trust me to come to me in the first place, but hopefully that will come. Alex started watching a new show too called Slugterra. it’s quite peculair and a similar idea to pokemon I guess.
Out and About
We had a visit to the Incinerator Gallery. Alex was a little resistant, but when we got there he was probably the most into it of all the kids! We were shown 3 pieces of art. the first was a picture of a local area and kids asked to point out details, the second was a face and the kids decided the gender, the third was inspired by webs. Alex said it looked like something out of the nether in minecraft! the kids got to make their own webs, and Alex did really well. he offered advice to his friends and did 90% of it unassisted. At the end of it, he insisted on going up to the educator and thanking her for her time. he really enjoyed it. I didn’t ask him to do that, and what’s more he suggested to some friends that they all do it!
We visited the pink lake for our weekly homeschool group meet this week. It was a very hot day. The kids thought the lake was amazing and the adults discussed why it occurs, and some of the older ones including Alex ran a few laps of it. All of the kids were sat on a bench at one point playing on their iPads, they played tiggy too.
Another week of adventure and discovery at Currawong Kids. We tried to cover all the things the kids asked to do. First there was a scavenger hunt, then we walked the the ‘egg’, up Mt Puffalo,, down to the duck ponds, across the stepping stones through the risen creek using a rope, built a tarp shelter, and games. the kids really enjoyed the day and we stayed late, though Alex had a few problems with some other kids.
We went out as a family to the movies – Alex had some vouchers to use up from his birthday that he had been saving for Boss Baby. We had a nice time; Alex laughed lots. they loved their little packs for lemonade and popcorn. the arcade games were a little too enticing for the kids and we didn’t have the means to play them so they got a little bit upset about that.
We visited with the kids’ cousins where the older 2 kids put on an after dinner performance. They ticketed us, seated us, and put on a show that involved mostly making each other disappear. Was a bit of fun – they both do well in the lime light!
We visited a new friend’s house for the first time – it was all unplanned and so I was very unprepared!the kids played nerf gun wars, RC transformers, fighting, etc. Daniel found a friend in the younger sister. Was a lovely play date.
We also had a short visit from some long term friends – Alex would say his best friend. The kids played camping for most of the time they were here.
The kids have also been at their grandparents which always involves a visit to the pigeon loft.
Last athletics training! Alex enjoyed it and then ran 400m! This week was championship week – it would run from 8:30am til 2pm! So the kids helped me with menu planning for the day. It went quite well! They chose a mixture of things, including fruit, and eggs, etc! Alex was very disappointed with his results and there were some tears, including getting a No Jump for his long jump event. that hasn’t happened all season! He came 4th in Shot put, and mid-group with his runs. On the way home we got slushies to celebrate – the kids made such a mess with them. I said (admittedly unfairly) that if one of them makes a mess again then they’ll both lose them. Alex replied ‘that’s like saying that the passengers in a car that’s speeding should get a fine as well as the driver’. It made me laugh and it reminded me of school kids being kept in at recess.
Alex had his first official training day as an U9 at Avondale. It was a hot and busy start, Alex was upset by some of the other kids’ lack of friendliness too. Vio has asked him to do some training at home as well. He negotiated the toe-taps element as he felt it was too long and realised that Vio had said the whole session would only take 15 minutes, but with 4 drills at 4 minutes each it was actually 16 minutes! So we reduced toe taps to 3 minutes!