The kids’ grandparents have some new chicks and the kids love them so much at this age when they can hold them and cuddle them. The kids were trying to guess which ones would be hens and which roosters by looking at their necks! There are birds in every stage at their place at the moment! Alex especially loves the pigeon hatchlings. Gigi also has some budgies. Two of Alex’s canaries died this week. I’m assuming it was due to the heat from the day before. Alex was very upset, especially about Snowy.
I got Daniel a Captain America game on his iPad and he had loads of fun playing it, though needed some help. He also loves the paw patrol flight game. He’s also saying ‘I hate you’ an awful lot (when he doesn’t get his way I guess). One particular playtime with Vio he collected a whole bunch of toys, took them to his bed and then they sat their watching their iPads.
Alex has been playing a simulated fishing game on his iPad and getting right into it! He’s also been watching some parkour videos. I’m going to take him along to a parkour class. Great part about it is that it’s casual and so we don’t need to commit long term. He’s also been on Roblox (and minecraft), especially when the neighbours are over. It’s getting a bit out of hand so we’ve talked about some limits on it. Alex is recognising the need for it too as the eldest of the boys is a bit of a hog and also manipulative and Alex is not liking being treated this way and is becoming less tolerant of it. He’s also has some inspiration to draw cheetah families:
We’ve gone to the oval with the kids a few times for a run and play. We’ve also played I spy – Daniel has been joining in which is cute as he has no idea about letters and phonics and so just shouts out anything.
We had a birthday party of a long time friend. The kids made cards beforehand and they had fun playing with their friends. Alex especially enjoyed the dance game! I LOVE watching him dance.
Jawbone Marine Sanctuary
We went to a Summer by the Sea activity at Jawbone. We were supposed to be snorkelling. Alex was very excited. Though unfortunately the wind was causing waves and so the conditions were unfavourable. Alex was very devastated! It turns out that I should’ve brought snorkelling equipment anyway so it kind of saved me from blame. The rangers spent some time talking to the kids about the marine sanctuary and the wildlife they would find. Alex loved showing off his knowledge to the rangers as we have been before, but he certainly learned more. We learned that Port Phillip Bay was actually quite a recent development of the land (approx 10,000 years) – previously the heads at Barwon and Sorrento were the edge of the land and the Yarra ran through. We heard an interesting dreamtime story about why this was so. Hopefully we snorkel at another time.
Incidental maths
I bought a tub of ice cream and commented that it was cheaper than buying us all an ice cream each and spending $20. Alex said ‘yeah, that’s $5 each! And the tub only costs that much’. Also, when a friend visited they played Paw patrol Flight and compared their scores by writing them down then forming a tally of who was winning.
Alex commented about how he loved his iPad 1/3 as much as me but then changed to 1/4. When I asked why he’d changed he had done so as he thought 1/4 was bigger. So I took 2 strips of paper and folded one into 1/3 and the other into 1/4 and asked which was bigger. He answered 1/3.
Alex had athletics on Saturday morning and unfortunately they were running very behind and we had to leave after only 4 events. He didn’t enjoy the day much as it was an interclub event. Lots more waiting around and a lot more people present. Vio got to watch Daniel do his race though. Alex and I took the train to the city and headed towards the Arts Centre. On the lawn outside we ate some chips and watched a sheep art installation called ‘Les moutons’- a bit strange having people dress as sheep. They were chewing cud and baaing, being milked and peeing! We went into the theatre to watch Macdeth. he found it very funny and has since repeated some phrases. I have to say it was a very good introduction to Shakespeare and version of Macbeth. Alex was approached by King Duncan during the play and asked if he was a crappy king! Alex was a bit shocked. After the performance he got to meet one of the actors whom he said was his favourite.