The next morning Alex didn’t want to go to the geology incursion (that I had asked him about attending, to which he replied’ of course!’. I reminded him that he’d said he’d wanted to go, and that I had booked and paid for it due to that, and that he could play his iPad later if he wanted and if he didn’t like after 10 minutes then we’d leave. This is a tricky one for me. I don’t want to force Alex to do anything (hence I asked him before booking), but I know he finds the transition between activities tricky and that he would love this and I’d hate for him to miss out and be angry about it later. Anyway, it wasn’t too hard to get him to leave and he never asked me to leave – I even checked in with him 15 minutes into the activity and the idea of leaving was far from his mind. The were given a talk (minecraft was referenced!!), panned for gold, replicated meteor strikes and more. It was a successful day!
Afterwards we played in the skate park with friends, without scooters or bikes. We were there for many hours! We played in the playground for a little bit too. Daniel was uncharacteristically daring on the equipment and asked me not to help. At home Alex wanted to watch Thriller (MJ). I was hesitant as he is still scared of monsters from a previous show watched. He insisted though and hid his eyes occasionally. He says Michael jackson is awesome. I made some playdough with Daniel and we moved his kitchen to the playroom. Alex went to get neighbours and they played football outside, asking Vio to join them to even the teams. Alex had athletics training, I read and talked to Daniel in the meantime as we waited. At home the kids chilled out with their iPads – Alex is watching minecraft videos.
A quiet morning at home saw us building a train track. We walked/rode to the bike ed centre. it was very warm! Daniel didn’t play much but Alex spent most of the two hours riding. We rode home but Daniel was tired so I carried him on my back. I was very hot by the end of it with no motivation to make dinner! So we had fish and chips and then played with the train tracks.
It was the day of Currawong Kids, and I was surprised when Alex told me he didn’t want to go as it was raining! I reminded him that it had rained through most of bush camp (and that we could leave anytime). Of course, Alex had a great time! it was a very fun day. We spotted some red rumped parrots, Alex recognised an olive tree. We found some plum trees, mulberries too and upon trying them discovered they were not even close to ripe! Climbed some rocks, look for dry fire making stuff, crossed darebin creek to find sit spots. On the way Alex noticed a beautiful mossy rock with a pool filled with insects. We had to quickly make a shelter from the rain with a tarp and sat to do cordage. Whilst doing so we noticed the creek waters rising and the crossing had flooded, so we decided to get out whilst we could and crossed excitedly with a rope bridge.We watched some ducks ride the rapids of the swollen creek, then made some boats – did they float? some did…a bit! Alex was so glad that we went .
Vio and the kids went to watch Emily at her kinder concert. At home we played more trains, twister and hungry hippos.
Another day, another incursion! This time minibeasts. Alex and a new friend (also at geology) seem attracted to each other like magnets! They have very similar energies, but the friend is older and very patient with Alex which is great. The friend lent Alex his roller shoes, Alex said he wanted to buy some too. The presentation had stick insects, scorpions, spiders, cockroaches, etc. I’m not sure what Alex learnt from it as we’ve read and watched lots of things on animals. But I was occupying Daniel so didn’t hear it all. Alex held a tarantula (in a box).
Afterwards we went to friend’s house, even though it was only for an hour but the kids were determined! The older two played minecraft for a short while, but then went off to play. It was only a short visit as we all had to head to gymnastics for our final session and medal presentation.
We had a few issues of Alex hurting another kid – one I was informed about after gym, and then another at the park. Unfortunately it was the same kid. Alex was very distressed about it, and ran off crying. I sat and cuddled with him for a long time and talked. Alex got up and apologised, without being asked. I saw him trying very hard to play with them but the boys (he has a brother) are very shy and quiet – a tricky match! Another friend’s dad, who is a police officer, stopped by in his police car. Alex got to sit in it and cheekily turned on the sirens. I hope that’s the only time he’ll go in the back of a police van! Alex and I had a lovely evening of playing lego together – we wrote our names and reading.
The weekend – Alex got his bronze medal and I’m devastated I missed getting a photo!He also got 2 more PBs. I took the kids to the shops to spend some christmas money they had received from my aunt. Alex was sure he’d buy some roller shoes, but came away with lego ninjago. Daniel bought a duplo fire truck. We spent the afternoon building them and playing.
We also met Alex’s friends, now in school, at the park near the children’s hospital. It’s such a great park!The kids spent most of their time playing in the sand and water, they saw a emergency helicopter land and take off too.
A short visit to Vio’s parents and Alex proudly and lovingly carries around a baby pigeon – the baby of the funny looking pigeon we caught at our house.