At home Alex asked to see the neighbours, but it was still school hours so I told him they weren’t home. Alex started to watch some David Attenborough. It turned out the neighbours were home early as one of them was ill so came home from school! The not-sick child came over to play. Alex asked if he had seen night at the museum, the neighbour must have thought he meant the movie so sat down to watch where Alex had left off the david Attenborough. He soon got up though and went home! Alex and I started watching something about minibeasts and then ‘catching monsters’ (fishing). They came over on other days and play football and go on the trampoline.
I had a day of work this week and the kids went to their grandparents. Alex came home with a pigeon egg that didn’t fully hatch. So the next day we opened it. It was very stinky. i cut open the bird and we saw the insides. Alex was interested in seeing the heart.
Vio and Alex went for a bike ride, they stopped off at Vio’s cousins as well as the shops – coming home with snacks. Alex has wanted to read in the evenings before bed, and specifically requested the juice box bully one night. I’ve tried playing board games with Alex, and including Daniel which can be tricky, but he’s been getting bored of them quickly. We haven’t even played chess for ages! We have been playign minecraft together though.
The weekend brought little athletics where Alex had an amazing day – he got 3 PBs!100m, 200m and shot out. he now qualifies for a bronze medal, he was so chuffed! Daniel ran his race too and loved it. There was a dust devil too that started in the middle of the track – I saw leaves and litter get spun around, then as it moved over us i felt cold. i was sorry that Alex missed it! He’s been talking about tornadoes and things. As it was hot, I popped to Aldi and bought a slip n slide. The kids played on it for ages.
Alex didn’t have football so we went swimming at Sunshine pools with friends. On the way, Alex asked why lamp posts were so high. I’d never thought about it! So we thought about it together. i suggested it was to do with the way light spreads, not wanting too bright, spacing, power usage etc. They were excited to park in the new multi-storey, even though it wasn’t free! Alex played lots wit his friend, though they got silly and wrestled at times. We went home for lunch, and then to Vio’s sisters to use her pool! Alex spent lots of time diving. the kids played together, we had dinner too.