I worked and so the kids spent the day at their grandparents. They were out with the pigeons and chicks, they went for a scooter ride, and spent a lot of the day on their iPads. At home Alex went straight to the laptop to check on his new animals – I had downloaded a creatures mod for minecraft. The kids played outside with Vio in the evening.
After days at home, I wanted to get out! I really had to convince Alex, and eventually we headed to Jawbone Reserve. The kids remembered it from the rambling we’d done with a ranger earlier in the year. We didn’t find much except for limpets and shells, but we had loads of fun scrambling over rocks. We went for a walk too and saw plants that are rare, picked up some rubbish. It was a beautiful day outside!
At home Daniel napped so Alex and I played ‘guess who?’ Since Alex can’t read the names of people, I got him to write down his guesses. When Vio got home they played outside.
An early start to the day saw us making bracelets. We had a homeschool trip to A recycling centre was planned where the kids were given a talk and task on identifying suitability for recycling. They loved looking through the observation window at the huge piles of rubbish, and the trucks coming in and out. They watched a few videos on separating the rubbish too.
The kids and I went to Ceres market after that to get some groceries and some seedlings. We had a short play, though the kids were more interested in the nursery plants! And it was time for gymnastics, a play at the park with friends and then karate. I had to stop Daniel from stripping at the park! At home we were all pretty tired after a long day out.
Saturday morning at Little Athletics, Alex got another PB in 100m. He got a big throw in discus and almost got a PB in hurdles even in the head wind. Daniel joined the U5 race too and was laughing all the way! In the afternoon the kids played outside, watched iPads and a movie and visited their grandparents briefly.
Alex had football with Vio early Sunday morning, and when they got back we went to fairy park with their cousins too. Alex was not very impressed, neither was Vio! But the adventure playground and telescope kept the kids happy more than the fairy tales. We had a picnic lunch and stayed for a long play.