I organised another lego workshop. This one was a bit of a disaster with the lego provider turning up very late. But once they had gotten started Alex really enjoyed it and gave it a good go independently. They made a ferris wheel. Afterwards we had friends over, and so Alex played minecraft. Daniel was playing with building toys and animals. Alex had athletics training in the evening, doing lots of running.
I worked a day at school, and so the kids went to their grandparents. At the moment they have chicks recently hatched and also pigeon chicks (squabs). They spent a lot of their time on their iPads too. We got home to some parcels from my mum – the kids got pjs and some stickers. Alex also lost his first tooth! He was blowing a whistle, and Daniel pulled it – the tooth was hanging by a thread and so I pulled it out! Alex wants to collect all of his teeth and was not interested in getting money for it.
We had a friend over for Daniel for the day, so whilst he was busy I played rat-a-tat cat with Alex, but he then got distracted by a facetime call with his friend. They were giving each other tours, being silly, and playing games whilst talking. Later on, Alex hit his head on the coffee table and split his head open. It was about an inch long and we were concerned about needing stitches. I spent a long time talking Alex down from panicking, and we headed to the doctor who decided we could try and glue it. Fortunately it worked! Alex was very brave in the end, and although relieved he didn’t need stitches, he was almost disappointed at not having them!
We attended a planting day at Brimbank but we spent the whole time pulling weeds! The kids had a great time, especially as they loaded the truck when they could see all they had done. Alex climbed up on to the truck to help load. We missed gymnastics based on Alex’s head injury. The kids were interested in minibeasts and found what they believed to be a caterpillar making a chrysalis.
We drove up to Shepparton in the pouring rain. The cabin was nice, the kids were happy with their bunk beds. We went out for dinner, the kids ran around and played with Vio’s team. We got home pretty late. In the morning Alex played out the front of our cabin with the team, we organised ourselves for the day and dropped Vio at football. I took the kids to an adventure playground, supposedly Australia’s largest. We went on a train ride there, which was pretty pathetic! We played in the cow mazes and on the big slide.
We went to join Vio and his team and watch the games. They got through to the finals. Alex and Daniel played with the siblings of the team. We also went out for a celebratory dinner.
At home we were all tired, so we watched a great movie called John Carter. The main character gets teleported to mars and can’t walk properly. At first it wasn’t clear what happened, but ALex knew that it was’ because of gravity’! The recent conversations about space made sense to him it seems!