We visited the incinerator gallery with a group of homeschool friends, We were given a tour – the theme was abstract art. The guide was great with the kids, asking them lots of questions as well as providing the with information about how the art was made. then the kids got to make their own art using the same techniques of drawing as a response to music, collage and then paint. Afterwards we headed to the pirate ship park. The kids first tried building a shelter from palm branches – Alex was disappointed the one he’d built last time was gone. There weren’t enough branches so they played, lots! Alex and his friend Clea were talking lots about minecraft. At home Daniel slept in quite a peculiar position, and I helped Alex learn about building trains in minecraft.
Alex spent a lot of his home time on minecraft, or watching videos related to minecraft. We even had a minecraft day this week. He came across some videos about The End and the Enderdragon so I looked them up and we found that in creative PE, you cannot access The End. Sad as we’d gotten as far as building a portal!
We had our usual afternoon at Brimbank – the kids had lots of fun on their scooters, and we walked down to the river. One of the weirs was being rebuilt, the other was flooded. The kids enjoyed watching anyway! We stopped for an ice cream and play at the cafe. Someone walked past with a dog, and Alex made a comment that the dog looked like one of the mums. I was obviously mortified, but he was just trying to be funny and didn’t mean to offend. I took him aside quietly and told him that he’d hurt the other person’s feelings. Poor boy hung his head and went straight over to her and apologised – I did not ask him to do that, but I really appreciated the gesture and believe he was genuinely sorry.
Our weekly swim was lots of fun, and we resumed ‘crocodiles’. Alex has been trying handstands for a while in the water, but this time he mentioned the turns in the water that he’s seen in the Olympic races. He proceeded to demonstrate and nailed it first time!
Daniel has been cooking with me in the kitchen – we made cupcakes. We also had over one of his friends – they played cooking mostly! He has been pretending lots, talking to himself etc. He likes using the phone (that’s broken).
Gymnastics and football as usual, but only one karate.
I took the kids house hunting. Vio and I have been up and down on this decision. Whilst we’d love to downsize both house and mortgage, we have decided that we’re in a good position at the moment with low mortgage repayments etc so we’ll hang tight. We need to better utilise the garden though! The kids were surprisingly excited by the house hunting, especially since Alex has been quite vocal about any potential move. Whilst we were out, we scoped out a nearly park and went for a scoot along the river, the kids had races down the bridge ramp. I didn’t like how Daniel braked in his new shoes!!!!!
Finally, we went to Caulfield model train exhibition. The smile on Alex’s face says it all! He just loves it. We were there for a long time, the kids asked to leave which meant their appetite had been satisfied. They were disappointed that I wouldn’t buy the ridiculously priced fried food! Alex counted the carriages on all of the long trains to find the longest, he loves the freight yards the best. Daniel liked the Thomas and Peppa pig displays. We checked out the lego being sold and took pictures for the Christmas lists. The kids used their carschooling bags in the car too 🙂