
Lego workshop, aquarium trip and a party for my 3 YEAR OLD!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI organised a lego workshop with Young Engineers of the western suburbs. The kids were given a lego technics set including a motor, and given the task of building a car. All the kids had to get to step 6 but could complete the steps if they had time. Alex got upset that he hadn’t finished all the steps, I was surprised that it bothered him so much. So i helped him finish (he hadn’t needed much help till this point). They had a car race, which Alex won! Daniel was busy playing with the play dough we’d brought. The second creation was a drum kit, which was a bit trickier but we got it working, and then got to fiddle with it to change how the drum beat.








Friends came home with us. Alex and Clea played in the same minecraft world for hours! They had loads of fun, and Alex picked up lots of tips from her. the little ones are also the same age, and they’ve started getting along and playing together too. It was a nice day 🙂

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA day of errands followed! It seems we toured the western suburbs – we got Daniel a haircut, stopped at the pet store for animal feed supplies, visited the library and civic centre, picked up groceries at our favourite fruit and veggie store, and finally ended up at Scienceworks. The kids had their iPads to keep them busy. We met friends in Nitty Gritty city, headed outside for a play and then went into a new section.There was a space for creating a ball run, pixel creations, magnetic play and some interlocking construction toys. The kids loved it! A great open ended play space. We will have to return. We had to leave as they were closing, but the day wasn’t over just yet – we had swimming to attend! And of course, we had a play as well.

We had a carless day, and took Vio’s car to be serviced. the kids took their bikes along, so we stopped off at the skate park on the way home.It was a bit wet, so we noticed that we were slipping as we climbed ramps. We had lots of fun, and enjoyed the sunshine. The kids loved playing with the puddle water. We played in the playground too, and took home some fresh gum leaves for the stick insects. Alex spent much of the day on minecraft before we collected the car, and visited the kids cousins.

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We decided to go to the aquarium, but drove to the city as we would have gymnastics in the afternoon that the kids did not want to miss. Whilst walking through the city, Alex played PokemonGo. We enjoyed the aquarium, we seem toi do it this time every year, and I’m always left disappointed (it’s very expensive for less than 2 hours spent there). This time Daniel had interest though too. We loved the sharks and rays – walking through the tunnel is amazing! They were also fascinated by the octopus (we listened to a school group talk here) and saltwater crocodile. There was an art space, where the kids selected a marine animal and coloured in a picture. it was then scanned in to a computer, and would enter the giant wall screen of simulated ocean – it was pretty cool, the kids loved it! We headed to gymnastics and then to the park. One of the other homeschool mums told me how good Alex is at gymnastics, often demonstrating for the coaches. He told me about learning a new skill that day too. he headed to karate afterwards. At home he was on his iPad, whilst Daniel played in his kitchen.










Alex had a busy Saturday – first a football gala, and then karate games day. He was excited about it all, despite not having much sleep and even scored 3 goals in his last game of the gala (he told me excitedly). We stopped at the library for the next treehouse book plus some animal books. The kids coloured in some pictures of owls. At home Alex played minecraft and watched minecraft videos. Daniel and I played with the kinetic sand he’d received from an overseas friend of mine for his birthday.

I can’t believe little Daniel is 3! We had sausages for breakfast, then some play before heading to the park for his party. Unfortunately it seemed everyone wanted to be out that day (we later learned there was an aussie rules game on nearby) so we moved on t Brimbank, which was also busy bu we managed better with the space. The kids spent most of their time laying football on the grass. It was a beautiful day. Daniel didn’t like having ‘Happy birthday’ sung to him, and I almost stopped it but then he popped out of hiding to blow out his candles. He was really looking forward to cake. Towards the end of the day, the kids played in the sand. Daniel found a gun like stick and insisted on playing ‘peow’. We decided to have burgers for dinner, and headed there with friends. Daniel fell asleep on the way home – he hadn’t even opened his presents!!



Daniel and his kitchen
Daniel and his kitchen

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