
Fake Food Park, Fire safety display and Minecraft

We took the train to the city and headed to the NGV. The kids exhibition ‘Fake Food Park’ was on. Daniel enjoyed making food things, there were lots of interactives that the kids got to play with too. But after an hour or so they wanted to head outside to the gardens. The kids spent much of their time filling up and emptying their water bottles! Then Alex took an interest in 2 tradies working on filling a large hole in the path with concrete. He was asking them loads of questions, and they were great about it! We then headed for ice cream and a play at the park.

alex ngv 1 alex ngv 4 daniel ngv 2 daniel ngv 3





Alex spent much of the day building in Minecraft. He accidentally set his house on fire with a lava block. So he put it out with water and then flooded it! He was quite upset. We had a friend come over for a play in the afternoon, then Alex spent the evening watching minecraft videos – he’s getting ideas on what he can do and how to do it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe went to the Fire Safety Display at the local station. Alex was very vocal, answering and asking questions. Alex loved climbing through the tunnels, listening to the talks about the equipment and getting to use the hoses. Even Daniel stepped away from me towards the giant firefighter to use the hose, twice! Daniel liked it so much that he asked to see them again soon.






Back home we purchased Minecraft Story Mode. He played the whole of episode 1 and loved it so I took the plunge and bought the remainder. I helped him with some of the reading. He played the next 2 episodes. I had a chat with him about what he wants to do more of. He says going to parks and playgrounds, and learning more about animals.

We had the usual activities this week – football (Alex had a gala), karate (including presentation), and gymnastics, though we gave swimming a miss. We tried watching a movie in the evening, I really liked but we didn’t finish it as Alex fell asleep in my arms!

We attended an open day at Brimbank Bike Education Centre with friends. It was such a beautiful sunny day 🙂 We had lots of fun.

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