Alex spent a lot of time on ‘slither’ throughout the week, developing strategies on how to win. He gets very vocal and annoyed when his snake dies! Daniel helped me make biscuits and we painted and played. We visited a friend’s house, the kids played really well! The we headed to the library for a lego learners session. The kids were given a brief, I think it was emergency services. Alex made a tow truck and a chameleon enclosure. Daniel made a car of sorts too. At the end the kids were asked to do a ‘show and tell’. Alex was quite reserved!
Daniel and I walked in on Vio and Alex playing animal charades, Daniel wanted to play too so I helped keep the peace! We had so much fun! Daniel pretended to be animals and also guessed Vio and Alex’s animals. Alex challenged himself to do the impressions without noises even though the game permits them.
Another homeschool park day at Brimbank, kids had loads of fun on their scooters and with friends. At home Daniel helped me make jam tarts and sausage rolls, and we headed off to swimming, We had so much fun in the pool together. We play this game where I pretend to be a crocodile and they run from me. Alex was making small waves, watching them and commenting on them about their strength, bouncing back from walls etc. I love that he gets the time to make observations like these. He’s understanding the world a bit at a time, on his own terms.
The kids helped me with sorting orders for the food coop I’m running. They had fun doing so for about an hour and then tired of it so we stopped. We played on the trampoline, did a coke and mentos experiments. We searched a bit for some marble run apps but Alex was not sold on any of them and wants to buy a marble run. I’m hesitant and the good ones are so expensive and I don’t want it to be a waste!
We met up with a new family (haven’t seen them since though) at the nature playground at RCH. The kids didn’t interact much with the other family, but they enjoyed the water play and flooded the sandy area, working with other kids and building channels. We had gymnastics in the afternoon – Daniel did a forward roll for the coach! Vio came and watched Alex for first time. At the park afterwards, Alex was colouring TMNT with his friend Ari. The park was quite damp and muddy. Alex jumped across a puddle and slipped, getting covered in mud! He wasn’t happy about it, especially as he had just bought a t-shirt from the gym! He got cleaned up and went to karate.
Alex had a gala the following day, Daniel ad I stayed home. Alex came home to tell me about the 2 goals he scored. We went for a walk to catch pokemon! It was our first time at PokemonGo, and Alex quite enjoyed it. Alex had not shown much interest in maps before with the exception of at the zoo, but he was keen to work out where we’d go using the game. We played a little more the next day too as we walked to Vio’s parents.