The balloons that the kids had brought home from Saturdays party were slightly deflated, and one of them was hanging midway in the air. Alex cut the string and it floated back up to the ceiling, he said he’d made it lighter. They asked me to blow up more balloons, and I commented on the fact that my balloons don’t float, to which Alex said that I had different air inside my body – so I mentioned helium briefly as being lighter than air.
We headed to Cherry Lake for our hs meet up – it was a lovely spot! There was a scooter track that the kids spent ages on, then they headed into the forest, climbed trees and played with sticks. Swimming lessons too, Alex talked about his age – I said he wasn’t 6 1/2 yet so he said he was 6 1/4. I said more like 6 1/3 so he asked about what a 1/3 was and we talked about cutting a pizza into 1/3 (he said, oh 3 pieces) and said well you can cut a year into 3. That’s how old you are, one of those thirds of a year.
Home day!!! I painted the kids faces to look like tigers with a kit my mum sent. They loved it, though it didn’t last long! We also played and watched iPads, lego, transformers, trampoline. We went to the shops as Alex wanted bean enchiladas for lunch, and he nagged me into buying him a chocolate milkshake! We headed to the library too where Alex talked and played with some older school kids whilst asking me to go find him some snake books. The kids went to their cousins in the evening, where Alex spent most of his time playing with a bow and arrow set. More number awareness – Alex saw on a oster 2016 and said I know what that is, 36 (added 20+16) I let him know what the number said, and now he seems ok to read numbers in the thousands. We sprayed the stick insects and Alex saw the water level. He said it was 25, then saw the 0 so sad 205. I explained it was halfway between 200 and 300, and he understood it to be 250. We also played Monopoly at night time, the adult version – Alex was working out his change, exchanging money and also worked out the utility card payment which is dice x4.
Alex is enjoying ninjago again, so Daniel and I kept busy with a duplo castle, electrical circuits (he loves them!) and pattern blocks. We all enjoyed playing hide and seek before going to gymnastics, and having a playground play afterwards (which wasn’t great, Alex struggled with the particular kids there). So off to karate!
Next day football! Alex had a great time and scored lots of goals. I saw him try some tricks, not always successful but it’s quite interesting that he’s aware enough to try them at his age. Alex has wanted to get back to school of dragons, but the online game is not working and so we restarted the app, got a new dragon, I do the reading of tasks etc. I’m reluctant to put money into app purchases! We headed to the rocket ship park as it’s been ages since we’ve been. Kids spent most of the time watching the water run through the park and barely went on the signature slide! They had fun scooting, on the flying fox the kids took turns to sit on me, and the roundabout was loved by Daniel.
Last day of the week saw us meeting up with old school fiends at Brimbank. It was a good play with the kids interested in rocks (which he really wanted to bring home) and building a shelter.