We had a play date at Alex’s best friends house. The kids played lego, dolls, car racing, watched TV. On the way home we stopped at the shops as Vio was in need of a poncho for football training! Whilst I was there, I grabbed the kids something small – Alex a lego set and Daniel a play dough ice-cream set.
Virtual city – Alex has been playing this game a lot, often as soon as he wakes. He asks me to help with things such as reading and understanding the tasks. I can easily get sucked into the game myself! There’s lots of dealings with money besides the logistical element of building a city. Alex saw that there was a ‘k’ after a number to represent thousands. Alex told me that ten 100s make 1000. On another occasion that ‘k’ had been replaced by an ‘m’ which I explained to him was millions.
I took Alex to a library where they were having a minecraft server available for kids to play at but Alex didn’t much like minecraft on the PC. So he played lego with a homeschool girl that we know.
At home this week we’ve watched some Netflix shows, played games on the iPad, playing an online library maths game, played uno, built train tracks, played with play dough, and both kids have played lego – Daniel tells me he really likes building with his duplo, and often makes a tower or train. Alex and I spent some quiet time colouring and chatting one day when Daniel was sleeping which was really nice. Alex has talked about alliteration a few times – commenting on words starting the same way.
I decided to take Daniel to a local library for preschooler storytime as I’ve never really doe those things with him – he was always running around pulling books off of shelves! He sat through it happily, but didn’t participate in the singing parts. Afterwards the kids played with some homeschool friends at the park which was nice 🙂 We had a superheroes theme at gymnastics which Daniel LOVED! He even did some forward rolls which he avoids as he doesn’t want to do in front of the coach. He really enjoyed the hulk gloves and smashing down a tower! The playground after the gym was not good for Alex, he didn’t play well. But we went to a friends house briefly as we had no karate for long weekend and Alex seemed much happier.
Football was great again. Afterwards we played foosball together and had so much fun! At home, Daniel fell asleep on Alex’s shoulder – it was so cute. We then headed out to Vio’s aunts birthday party. The kids spent most of their time outside playing football with Vio and his cousin Viv which was nice.
I found a fossil activity at the museum and decided to take the kids. They were given a small piece of real fossil which really excited Alex as he wants to go find his own fossils. We looked through the rocks/stones exhibit which we’ve never done before. We also visited the forest gallery and saw the bower bird’s bower and got to see him again 🙂 We spent a good amount of time walking and playing in the Millawa garden where we found eels and dot paintings and rocks to jump around on! Today brought us lots of firsts at the museum, even though we’ve been there so many times – we found a playground! Then we looked in the shops and Alex decided he will save his pocket money for some gemstones and fossils.