Our homeschool park day was cold and wet! So not many came. Alex asked me to time him as he did laps on his scooter. I reported his times and he would immediately work out if it was faster or slower or a PB. I didn’t help him, neither did he ask me to. We visited the library on the way home and Alex wanted animal books. He picked up a book about keeping mice and rats and pets and now he wants to aswell!
At home this week we’ve played chess, I strewed a new app called ‘world of goo’ which Alex found immediately and loved, we’ve watched TV or Netflix or Youtube, played iPad games (minecraft, iron man, virtual city) made some art, built train tracks, played board games (lots of dice and counting on), read books, played on trampoline, in sand pit, built with magnetic tiles and had friends over. I made Daniel a kitchen out of a box, he loved it!
Gymnastics this week – Daniel said “I’ve had enough”, then we sat on the sidelines eating for about 10-15 minutes. I was told by other parents that the older kids’ coaches were not very pleasant. I asked Alex about it, and he hadn’t noticed! Apparently the kids had been holding hands and were indecisive about partners. Apparently Alex’s name was used quite frequently!
I’ve had a few chats with Alex this week about how he treats his brother, and some other kids too. He’s having a bit of trouble. I’m unsure how to help him at the moment, but I can’t let him treat others badly.
The weekend brought the usual football training, but also a birthday party of some newish homeschool friends – a 4 year old who has taken to Alex in the same way Alex adored an older boy when we first got into the HS community. The theme was transformers, and so of course Alex had loads of fun.
Sunday was our anniversary – we never celebrate but we considered grabbing burgers, food is our celebration! I looked online at the burger place we’d considered and found burgers were $10 each, so Alex pipes up “so $40 for all of us!”
The kids spent they day at their grandparents as I worked. They spend some time outside, especially Alex with the pigeons. He got upset with his grandparents as they gave away their rooster. Alex gets quite attached to animals, but the rooster was noisy and they can’t have it in the suburbs! later that day, Alex asked about going to a farm to feed all of the animals as we haven’t been for a long time.
We had a co-op excursion at Yarra Bend park with a zoologist that runs children’s education programs. We saw a flying fox colony, this was amazing! The kids loved it. We then went on a walk to spot birds. Alex spotted a kookaburra immediately really close to us, also myna birds, moorhens, lorikeets and rosellas. He was very interested and responsive to the zoologist, who in an email to me later told me how impressed and pleased she was with Alex. After the tour, the kids played amongst the trees and grassy open areas. They had a great time though I noticed a definite divide in how the kids played which was a bit sad. One of the other coop mums took lots of pictures and caught some beautiful moments of the kids with their friends.