Monday was spectacular and sunny, but Alex wanted to stay home. I was keen to be out in the sunshine! I suggested we stop at a wetlands area we’ve not yet visited and collect feathers before heading to a cake shop to order Vio’s birthday cake.The visit was a huge success, and the kids didn’t want to leave! There was a little gazebo, the kids climbed rocks and explored, collecting feathers, challenging themselves to get to various places, went for a short walk, identified over 10 bird species and played. It was so nice 🙂
We popped into St Albans library, the kids have never been before, but it was the closest and some books were overdue!!! The kids did some colouring whilst i gathered some books to borrow. Alex and I finally got to play Rat-a-tat-cat when Daniel went to bed at home afterwards. I love playing games, I think Alex enjoyed it too but the strategies were a bit tricky, so I helped him – he couldn’t remember his cards!
The kids woke up quite grumpy, both wanting me but not wanting to share! Fortunately we had another trip to the zoo planned, this time with friends and so they were both distracted by this lure. The kids played in the new ‘Go Wild’ outdoor space, played inside ‘Keeper Kids’, and we walked around the zoo. We visited the Australian animals, including birds, also butterflies, tigers, elephants, seals, ate lunch at the zoo. It was a nice day and everyone was exhausted by the end of it! Daniel has been an eating and sleeping machine – I suspect a growth spurt, and is talking a lot more.
Our homeschool park day this week was at the 100 steps in Altona Meadows. We thought it was going to be hard work, but it was the easiest steps I’ve ever walked! Alex ran to the top, and Daniel walked the whole thing. The kids had so much fun at the stop, without a playground! They played hide and seek, rock jumping, and hunted for crystals. It was a great view. We drove to Keilor Park SC to meet Vio. Alex wanted to do some ball mastering (without payment, lol) and so busied himself with ‘Ronaldo’s’ as I sat with a sleepy Daniel and Vio set up for his U11 side. We had our swimming lesson, and a play after that too.
Our much needed and loved home day rolled around and we found ourself watching cartoons, made sticker pictures, Daniel made a mask and played duplo, both kids played Wild Kratts and we made more creature power discs, read books, made cupcakes (from a packet and they tasted terrible!), attempted to make bracelets and painted model aeroplanes that were broken very quickly! The kids have come to look forward to Thursday nights when they head to their Aunt’s place whilst I work and Vio is out coaching.