The weekend brought football – Alex’s skill is definitely increasing, but he’s a little hung up on winning at the moment. At home, we watched thing, and Alex built a castle from magnetic tiles – he was especially pleased by the roof! I watched how he did it, I offered help and he declined. He found a solution 🙂 Daniel played with play dough before having a nap, during which time I watched TMNT with Alex and played transformers. Outside in the sand pit, Alex noticed the grasses has dropped their seeds – we’d seen the seed pods developing and had been waiting for this to happen!
We talked about how the seeds will hopefully get eaten and blown elsewhere to start new plants. I made some paper aeroplanes, we did a science demonstration in the bath called ‘soap powered boat’. Alex likes doing science, but I need to really be aware of myself in these situations and not ‘teach’. In the evening we visited Vio’s parents. they were out the front picking olives so Alex helped.
Sunday was mother’s day, so Alex drew me a picture. We did little else that day, in fact there was lots of grumpiness from everyone! Alex also drew my mum (Nanny) a birthday card and we sent it the next day.
We headed to Scienceworks to meet friends. The kids enjoyed the play cafe, loading the boat, building the wall, wheelchair racing, running races, designing cars and Alice’s Wonderland.
We had another co-op incursion. On the way we stopped at Baker’s Delight. Alex is keen to go in himself, which he’s been doing for a while but this time I could see him well enough to take pictures. He looks so proud and independent!
The incursion was about water. The presenter was fabulous, and although he confided later that our group was hard work, he did a great job in getting everyone involved, even the toddlers! He talked about the different types of precipitation, read them a big book, talked about why we need water, how much of it and about dehydration and its effect on the organs of our bodies. The dehydration part really stuck with Alex and since he has commented on various feelings he’s had (dry eyes, tiredness, headache with being dehydrated and the asks for a drink).
Afterwards the kids had fun playing together -there was drawing, lego, tiggy, chess.