We headed to a private gardens in Mt Macedon with friends. We were eager to see evidence of Autumn! As we got on to Macedon road, the temperature dropped by about 5 degrees! We parked and it was so cold! Even Alex wanted coats on. Fortunately the sun was out, and we all warmed up as the afternoon came. We had an amazing time! We explored the gardens, played at the little stations set up by the owner such as the fairy tree and the little stream log crossing, fed the geese, looked at plants and seed pods, met and talked with a pet corella.
Back home we chilled out watching some cartoons – Alex is watching TMNT and PJ masks a lot. Alex has also expressed the desire to visit a castle. There’s Kryal castle, but I’m being an English snob and thinking there will be nothing here that would come close to what’s in Europe! Maybe a virtual tour…
I looked up the peregrine project that was mentioned on Sunday at steele Creek. Alex and I watched some falcon chicks wake up, and later we saw them being fed by their mother.
We were supposed to be on an excursion today, but the weather was very windy and damp. So we headed to Coburg lake to meet up instead. There weren’t many from co-op, but the kids played together well. We then saw 4 cygnets and followed them, then Alex and another boy wanted to go for a walk so off we went. The boys wanted to climb across the rocks to a secret hideout.
On the way home, hot chocolate seemed like a great idea, almost a necessity! We popped into the library too, played some games, borrowed some more books and headed home. Waiting for us was a magazine from Birdlife fior kids. Alex wanted to make the hanging parrot and so spent the next while colouring it in. He found that red+yellow make orange. He knew that before, but now he *knows* it with some self-discovery. Another expression of interest from Alex – a theme park! not sure where that inspiration has come from!
I love mornings where the kids head straight to the play room. Alex wanted to play with his lego, so I got Daniel the duplo but he preferred to paint. Alex and I played the lego harry potter game – we had lots of fun!It’s a tricky strategy, and aimed at older kids really, but Alex was getting into it and using his turns to help me too instead of hindering me. Since we were all ready to go, we took Daniel for a haircut. i cut off his golden locks and had regret immediately afterwards! He looked so much older afterwards, but at least he could see properly again! after we headed to our HS park meetup. There were a few conflicts between some big personalities, including Alex of course, but it was all well managed by myself and another mum. the kids raced on their scooters, and spent ages in the sand pit. When they got there they found this sculpture from sticks that looked like a mini shelter, so they were inspired to create a village! It was great to see all the kids pitch in. There was a brief visit to the river (Daniel counted the steps back up by himself to 13), before the kids’ minds returned to the sand pit village and so we returned to it.
Back home, Alex worked more on his minecraft buildings. We headed to swimming too.
Thursdays are our rest and hibernate days. We enjoyed lots of cuddles, some TV, minecraft, playdough, box creations (spider reinvented as a money box), backyard sandpit play with cars.