We headed to the beach, on the way playing ‘I spy’. Alex picked some good ones that I didn’t get. Then he worked out that b & e when put together spells ‘be’. At the beach, the kids were digging holes with their new shovels looking for soldier crabs, we found quite a few. Alex then decided to build Tracey Island and placed the Thunderbird toys that he’d brought along in to various secret emerging locations. We swam in the water, watched some fish, saw a spider walk on the water and curl up in a ball when the wave washed over it – I expected it to be dead, but it uncurled and kept on its way. But then an incident to disrupt our fun – Daniel accidentally hit Alex in the face with his shovel.
Alex was hysterical and eventually I saw that he had a cut to his nose and under his eye. I took him home to the doctor in case the cuts were deep but after a little patch up all was fine.
 The following day we went to Werribee Zoo for the Lion Cub 6 month birthday party. There were lots of activities – Alex got into the drumming briefly, the kids both climbed through all of the play things. We walked around the whole zoo with friends, spent lots of time playing in the water and sand at hippo beach. Alex was collaborating with a few other kids in one of the play areas, trying to channel the water into one place. We spent a bit of time in Ranger Kids and also went on a bus safari.
Unfortunately the bus broke down! So we had a fair few minutes added to the tour which the kids did not appreciate (we went on with lots of HS families). Alex managed to run into something and grazed all of the skin from his earlobe. It wasn’t bleeding but was oozy, so we decided it was best to skip swimming lessons.
Thursday=Home day! It’s the only day we have absolutely nothing on, Alex has really embraced the staying home and has turned down various things that we have been offered to join in with as he wants home. Before Daniel woke up, I managed to read 26 storey treehouse with Alex. Later we all played with magnetic tiles, did puzzles, watched TV, iPad, played battleships, playdough, made pizza for lunch, rode bikes and scooters outside – Alex was trying to balance along the curbs. In preparation for the following day, we visited Spotlight for fabric paint. I also bought some plasticine that they played with later. Daniel fell asleep on my back so Alex and I walked down to the petshop. Alex would like an aquarium. Then next door to the sports shop where we bought a basketball, as Alex had mentioned wanting to play it at the park a few times. In the car, Alex decided that a & v spell ‘av(e)’. Rather random! In the evening Alex asked to get the wii back out, and he played transformers and mariokart.I helped Alex with some of the tutorials (the reading).
We had visitors over for a play and lunch, and also to make t-shirts as Alex had asked to do it. Alex traced a picture of thunderbird 2 and coloured it in. He concentrated so much and kept at it until he was satisfied for quite some time. He added drawings of thunderbirds 1,3 & 4 by copying his toys. He decided he wanted to wear it to gymnastics and received quite some attention for it.They loved gymnastics as usual, then we headed to the park with lots of other families. The kids played so well together, and were sharing packet after packet of chips. Alex has quite a following, lots of younger boys really crave his attention. He likes to play with lots of different kids, depending on his mood he can play rough with some boys, though he is becoming less interested in this. He also likes to be adventurous, checking out trees, rivers etc, and likes especially to play with 2 of the girls. I had forgotten that karate was closed! So we ended up briefly visiting one of the HS families nearby that we’d been to gym and the park with Alex enjoyed seeing so many toys! Daniel really liked to dress up. On the way home I mentioned to Alex that i had found a citizen science project on feather collecting. I honestly thought he’d love the idea, but it was quite the opposite! he hated the ida of giving away his feathers, even in the name of science.