
Exploring – the wild and the suburbs

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter the usual Saturday morning football, for which Alex got up and ready by himself the kids and I had a weekend with not much to do so we decided to go explore the wild (Alex sees that as feather collecting!) Alex made a book to take with him to document what he would see – his wild book, made with stapled paper. I suggested he use a book that we had but he didn’t want to. He also kept his shin pads on after football to protect himself from snake bites! We went to nearby Gellibrand Hill. I didn’t know about it until recently and it’s only 20 minutes away! We entered through the back paddock as I’d read that it’s more wild than the other entrances where there is a homestead. We saw a really cool tree as we walked in, Alex wanted to draw it and we think it may have been struck by lightning as it was burnt on the inside.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA2016-04-16 15.04.33



It rained so it gave us a little shelter until the weather cleared and allowed us to continue. We saw lots of kangaroos and Alex drew another picture.2016-04-16 15.03.07OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA





We walked through the gate to the back paddock (closed off to protect bandicoot population from foxes) and it was quite spooky with the overcast skies. We walked along to a dry creek bed and saw wallabies, some really cool tree root systems. There were no birds or feathers but we did see a dragonfly up close on a tree branch. Back home, Alex completed his drawings.









In the bath (rare occurrences!) Alex discovered that he could put a cup of water on the kickboard upside down without any leaks. He was very excited about this discovery and called me in! Afterwards we played some lego and games before heading out for a playground tour of our area to discover unknown play spots. I think we did 4 parks in the end. Alex found a boy to play with (who happens to play football at KPSC and whose Dad knew Vio).


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