He also made a peacock out of a ‘kids activities delivered’ box I got for both of them – it was a bubbler deal. Daniel was not so keen on his toddler one. So I combined leftover pasta and glitter and he was happy for a few minutes 🙂
Our park adventures included a day with coop at a skate park mostly with scooters, our usual Wednesday homeschool park meet mostly with lightsabers, a stop at a local park just the 3 of us, and a visit to ‘the park with the slides’ where he played with two girls that asked him about school. He told them he did school at the park with his friends once a week!
We had the usual karate and swimming lessons happening throughout the week. Alex told me he wanted to win medals and do competitions. He thought he couldn’t do that for swimming, karate and football. I explained to him that he could if he wanted and should consider himself as in training. He was happier and no longer wanted to change sports, though if he wants to try something else I’m happy for him to. I think we’d have to swap out activities though rather than adding to the schedule as Alex still doesn’t like stopping what he’s doing to go somewhere.
I picked up some animal tiles for bathroom play as Daniel is reluctant to have a bath! I made lots of abstract animals and Daniel went through and corrected them all! The kids received letters in the mail from coop friends and so they replied. Alex drew a picture of playing lightsaber battles and threw it out to start again as his hand was touching the lightsaber in the picture which is not ok, lol. I did most of the writing. though Alex has asked me about spelling words a bit recently. He asked if DAY spelled bike. I think he had those letters in his mind after we were looking at the days of the week as part of his weekly schedule as I was showing him how busy it can get. He noticed that the letters DAY were in each word.
TV and iPads have also been a feature of our week, of most days in fact. Mostly the kids watch things but they do play a few games too.