There were some giant lego blocks that the boys built towers out of and used objects to knock them down, it was a fun afternoon, though hot!
That evening the kids started playing with the guitars, but Daniel grabbed the guitar stand and held it in a rock star pose and started singing “I don’t care!” It was hilarious! This went on for some time and has happened since with the lyrics “I don’t like it”.
On Sunday we did a trip to the market to buy fish. Alex spent his pocket money on another lamborghini! On the way home we stopped off at the Pink Lake. We were supposed to have a HS meet there towards the end of March so we thought we’d check out how pink the lake was this season. Turns out not very! I remember driving over it last year and it was incredibly pink. Perhaps the conditions this year were not as good. But there was some parts of interest – in particular the Parks Victoria noticeboards about birds. We also visited the library and grabbed a hot chocolate at Max brenner. Alex wanted to know what most people get, so I said perhaps we should ask the staff what the most popular choice is. As expected it was the milk chocolate, so Alex ordered a white chocolate!