The parrot enclosure was probably the favourite! The family we went with we spend a lot of time with them, the kids get along so well. It’s great that Alex has a friend and Daniel gets a friend too. Alex collected loads of feathers, and decided to add them to his feather collection. he sorted them in size order first! We read some more of 13 storey treehouse and had lots of cuddles as Daniel went straight to bed and Vio was out late at football.
Surprisingly the kids were up early so it was no crazy rush to get Alex to football! He had a great session too, scoring a goal but also making lots of runs with the ball. That afternoon our pigeon friend returned (a few days ago we spotted an unusual looking pigeon in our pergola). It stayed all day, Alex called Gigi over. We tried to catch it but didn’t, I got it into the garage later though and Vio caught it. We took it over to gigi’s house. We are unable to locate the owner so Gigi has put it in with his breeding stock.
I got the edison out finally for a play. We used the barcodes that the website provides to preprogram it. We got it working with our remote control which was a bit of fun! We’ll have to do some more with it as there are loads of possibilities. It would be great to build some lego stuff on top of it, or program it ourselves.
I got out a kit I’d picked up a while ago at the shops as it was balloon/air propelled vehicles you could make. Alex and I made a rocket and helicopter. Alex was talking about how they worked, we did the rocket outside (when Daniel was asleep!)
Alex had karate, when I came home later he proudly told me that he had been voted as Vice Captain!