The local council hosts an annual sustainability expo and this year I took the kids. There was a petting zoo that the kids loved, Daniel was really keen on feeding the animals, but not holding them, and was putting food in his hands. Of course they had a snake which Alex just had to hold! He found it funny when he saw it almost pee on someone. There were a few lizards that we held too, as well as getting to pat a wombat!
Alex and I have started reading 13 storey treehouse in preparation for our trip to the theatre in April, even though it will be the 52 storey treehouse and I doubt we’ll get that far in the series in time. He’s enjoying it, though I think the time that it is just us is his favourite part.
I added a few new games to his iPad – Star Wars Rebels and Minecraft. Not sure how he went with the latter, just a bit of strewing as I know so many kids are into it!
Another hot day (I’m looking forward to the end of summer) and so co-op was relocated to Croc’s playcentre as they had very cheap entry. It’s a pity all the food I bought cost so much! I was running around with the kids, collecting balls for their guns, going down slides etc. Alex and Daniel had a shoot-out which was hilarious to us all! When other kids arrived, Alex went off with them. Even Daniel did for a little bit. One of the other parents gave Alex a snake shed! He was so happy. At home Alex tried to protect it by building a magnetic tiles fort for it. Unfortunately it got torn and Alex was quite upset 🙁 he’s been wearing his snake t-shirt for 2 days and nights now! He’s been you-tubing snake videos when he’s not watching thunderbirds.
We were lucky to have another junior rangers event. The rangers at Brimbank hosted a special ‘Minibeasts’ event for us. We’ve done it twice before, but the kids enjoy it. The ranger played a game with them that was about habitat loss, and then the kids found lots of things in the river.
Alex was excited to find dragonfly nymphs, and it turns out their presents indicates the waterway is pretty healthy. There was also a person from Melbourne Water there checking the fish presence and activity in the river. The ranger told me about a pair of wedge tailed eagles had made a nest and had 2 chicks! We found a bird skull too.
Alex asked me to play the Rebels game with him on his iPad, as he needed to read some speech and instructions. Later on as I put Daniel to bed he came to show me the parts he could now ‘read’.
We had to take my car for a well overdue service and stopped off at the skate park. We played with Alex’s thunderbird toys, testing how far each would go down the halfpipe 🙂 At home we made some peppa pig cookies (from a packet!!) and I made them some ooblek to play with. Then there was lots of TV and iPad, and eventually Vio took the kids to his cousin’s house where Alex got to experience playing the drums! He absolutely loved it, and even tried to get a rhythm going.