We arrived home to packages from Nanny this week. The kids like them most when there are toys not clothes! They were happy to find toys and so played plasticine and playdough whilst watching TV. Alex has started watching ‘Thunderbirds are go’, it has become his new favourite! He’s even asked that we call him Virgil (pilot of Thunderbird 2).
Daniel must’ve been in party mode as he stayed up until 1:30am, which has never happened before (and I hope doesn’t happen again!) It meant that he slept in until 10:30am. So I got to spend some time with Alex. We had lots of cuddles, and played battleships inside the cubby. Alex had found the game a little difficult, I thought it might be from the co-ordinates being a new idea but he was finding the idea of the game in general quite tricky. So we stopped playing, had some lunch and then went to the bike education centre – a homeschool outing I had organised. This was our second time there. Thanks fully this time we had Vio there too!
In the evening was Alex’s swimming lesson, afterwards we played together – chase! We were snakes eating each other.The kids laughed so much. Daniel seems to really enjoy the water and asks me to help him swim. He likes to jump in from the side shouting ‘activate creature powers’ and pressing his chest first. I reminded Alex that he shouldn’t run and jump for safety and showed the signs, so he did it in slow motion! Cheeky!
The kids asked to visit the zoo, and so off we went. I asked what they would like to see, and we went to the butterfly house. Alex wants the butterflies to land on him and tries so hard to make it happen! Daniel asked to go see the elephants and was naming them after our family. Of course we went to the reptile house where Alex spent most of the time watching the reticulated python. He asked to take a picture of the pattern.
Alex has been watching a lot of snake hatching videos from retic breeders and has been interested in the mutations. A highlight was watching the baby crocs be fed! Daniel asked Alex to go to the park, to which he replied “anything for you”, and off they went. They played transformers there, and did it together. This was a really nice day.
Another memorable game of I spy in the car, Alex said ‘a’ for arrow and ‘r’ for rectangle, both of which I didn’t get!