They dug trenches to make the water flow, they pumped water, caught water, and climbed. We had a lunch of fish and chips before moving to the beach. The kids had so much fun! They absolutely loved the water. Daniel wanted to swim so I had to hold him as he kicked his way through the water. Alex collected buckets of shells! I caught a jellyfish and showed the kids. We grabbed an ice cream and headed home.
At home we looked up the type of jellyfish we’d found and watched a video on soldier crabs which led us to more wildlife videos and of course the Wild Kratts game!
On the way home from football the next morning we stopped at the library and got a book on shells so that we could look up what lived in the shells we’d found.
Alex also wanted to know how many species of snake there are. We found out it was about 3000! He’s been pretty interested in the patterns on snakes lately, and his drawings have reflected that. He often asks for print outs from computer.
We did a sound experiment where we made a cannon. The idea was to show how air moves and travels in waves which were used to knock over targets. Alex had asked to do sound experiments and I found this one in a library book, it looked fun. Afterwards we had a birthday party to go to – Alex oldest friend. We’ve been reading lots of library books before bed too. Alex is frustrated that he’s getting books that don’t tell him anything he didn’t already know about animals, snakes in particular!