As is family tradition, the birthday person gets to choose dinner, so Alex chose burgers and chips from fish and chip shop. We rounded off the day with some star wars watching.
This week we had a coop excursion, to the beach in Altona. It was a perfect day – not too hot, windy etc. The kids had a great time, though later we all realised we were a little burnt. I pulled the kids along on the boogie board. Everyone wanted a turn, of course my kids were the heaviest so got a bit short changed on the speed ratings! The kids dug a big hole together, they splashed and they swam in the shallows. Daniel kept asking to swim so I had to hold his waist and drag him through the water, to the sound of his giggles. Alex and some of the other kids played with a family dog, then started digging in the mud to find soldier crabs. Alex also found a crab leg and some shells that we brought home We looked up some information on these crabs later
Next morning I grabbed a few magnifying glasses and the shells and crab leg that we found at the beach for a close up look. I also left out a book Alex had received for his birthday that we hadn’t yet read -it’s a bug and reptile hunt book. Alex was up before Daniel, so we had some time just the two of us to sit together. Alex enjoys this time with me without competing for attention – he likes to have my presence in almost all that he does. Once Daniel was up, I played play dough with him, but then Alex wanted my attention so i set up a train track to keep Daniel occupied whilst Alex set up a chess game. Alex was doing really well until I checked him (he could have gotten out of it easily) and he got quite angry and hitting me. He hasn’t done this for a while, and it was quite a shock. Unfortunately the day didn’t improve, and we went to our weekly hs park play which ended in a friend of Alex’s falling and breaking his arm! Alex came over to tell me it was his fault as he had grabbed his leg (of course he hadn’t wanted the boy to get so badly hurt, he was angry over a previous encounter). On the one hand I felt terrible and of course offered to help the family in question (who was great about the whole thing), but Alex had been honest about something that was so serious and so hard to admit. I found it hard not to be mad, but I knew it wasn’t what he needed right now (memories of causing my brother to fall and cut open his chin, and the guilt I had came flooding back!) We of course talked about it, and Alex decided he would like to say sorry but felt it wasn’t enough. So the next day, we visited the friends and Alex bought him a new toy with his own money, it was his idea too! It was a Kylo Ren lightsaber, he bought himself one too. The kids played well together, and have been good friends since.