It was our first park day meet of the year. We had lots of new families, but Alex wasn’t happy about it. He was waiting for his friends to arrive. His friends Jack and Jaxson came and they played lightsaber wars for the afternoon. Afterwards we had our first swimming lesson (Alex had asked to return). His group was much older than him and I dare say he was in too high a level. I watched him the whole time and he did so well! I saw him try things he’d never been taught before just watching the other kids. I was so proud of him. I spoke to the instructor about whether we should pit him in the class below and he said to leave him where he is, in a few weeks he’ll be fine! Daniel is really enjoying the water. We probably got there a bit early and so Alex was tired too.
We had a playdate with friends at a local playcentre. Everyone came back to our house for lunch. The kids were in desperate need for it, they were getting easily upset! Once fed, they were back to happy and playful. Alex and Clea were playing a game they called ‘slap the ass’ and ran around with their bums hanging out!
This weekend was the first Miniroos of the year for both Vio and Alex. Alex is finding it a bit hard to have Vio as his coach. It will be a good test this year at Miniroos as Vio would like to coach Alex in club football next year but won’t if it’s too hard for him to deal with. Anyway, in the end it went well.
Sunday was Alex’s birthday party at the park. He seemed to have fun, though he only really played with 2 of his friends. Alex said it was the “best birthday ever”. I mentioned to one of the mum’s present after she said how good that he’d said that , that he says this about most days being the best ever. After I’d said that, I realised how amazing that must be and how it’s exactly what I want for the kids.