It’s Craig’s birthday soon so the kids made cards and we rode to the post box to post them. It’s probably the one thing I really insist upon – the kids don’t see my family and Mum does a lot for us with clothing and money so I’d like her to get something back that’s more than just a gift. The same for Craig, but at least Alex has a face to the name!
Alex has been asking lots of questions, and proposing theories. Recent ones include how pipes were made, how string is made, and why bananas were curved. He suggested that they grow around something. We happened to have a few bunches of bananas from our grocery delivery so Vio grabbed them and layered them to illustrate. On another day we heard a car alarm go off in a car park and Alex wanted to know how it worked, I explained. But the next morning I built a car alarm circuit with his clip circuit boards. Was quite a good demo of it! We’ve also had talks about aliens, and life on other planets and i told him how scientists are looking for planets with water. He’s quite intrigued by the possibilities. Often he just wants a quick answer. I try to show him videos if we’re home for him to see but he’s usually satisfied just being told, as long as it’s a short answer!
We signed Alex up to try sailing – it was a free day that a friend told us about. Alex was apprehensive, but when he got there he LOVED it. Said it was a great day. And since we were in Williamstown, we just had to have ice-cream afterwards ! The pool was utilised in the afternoon heat, and I watched Alex use the jetting water from the hose to propel his cars into the pool!
Alex had asked to do the intensive swimming week at Sunshine pool (he had wanted to do more than one week actually!) So we spent every morning there. Three of the days I took Daniel in as well and we spent a good few hours at the pool. There were a few super hot days so this worked out really well! Alex is so different with water now. He spends most of his time under it, though always with goggles on and loves to be challenged to swim through a smaller gap in my legs or to fetch something from a deeper part of pool. Daniel seems to love the water too! He’s not fussed about water on his face either, though I have had to buy him goggles to be like Alex. He’s been pulling himself around in the shallows and jumping in from the sides. On the way home one day it was 37 degrees so I mentioned it was the same temperature as our bodies. Alex wanted to know about other animal body temperatures so we looked it up at home. I was surprised by the variation! We also saw a large plume of smoke rising. It turns out it was a tyre yard fire close to where Vio works.
We had a new park location for co op which was great. Alex is making some great friendships, though today needed some support in the last hour as he was getting overwhelmed and lashing out or getting upset. The afternoon of coop we usually end up watching TV to have some downtime. Alex had his iPad and told me he’d leave it on charge for a few days so it would be 200% charged. I took him to sink, grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Once something is full, it can’t get ‘fuller’, so he now knows 100% means all. We also went to the shops to buy a new transformer with some christmas money he had received. Alex had 3 ten dollar notes which he worked out to be $30. He decided not to buy at the shops (I was surprised at his delayed gratification!) as the had no Lockdown (the lamborghini) and we ordered it on ebay!
I came across a David Attenborough virtual tour of the coral reef and so we watched this a bit. I don’t think David Attenborough is exciting as the Kratt brothers! But animals is certainly something we’ll continue to pursue. Alex reels off facts about them to anyone that will listen, and those that won’t!
After putting Daniel to sleep for a nap one day I walked into the pay room to find Alex sticking his feathersers into this empty old case. I helped him finish it, he was quite particular about it and careful. He loves his feathers! We’re always collecting them.
We had a short visit to scienceworks which was a mistake on my part – it was so so busy! The kids both made a futuristic car. Most of our time was spent in Alice’s Wonderland again, and for Daniel in the pretend cafe.