The first few days of 2016 were quiet for us, with some home play. Daniel has been pretend cooking a lot lately, especially when we got to someone else’s house that has a proper kiddie kitchen set up. So I set up a table and some of his mini cook toys and some containers and accessories with some playdough and he’s spent a bit of time at it.
Alex was telling me all about aeroplanes flying and how they need their shape. He suggested that pilots lie down to reduce their height and then the plane will be faster -he’s referring to air resistance and drag but doesn’t know it! I love how he comes to these conclusions! I have no idea what prompted it, or if he’s heard or seen something. But they were the words of a 5 year old and he clearly understood what he was talking about.
Vio has started to build a chicken coop. Alex has watched and helped here and there but is quite interested in it all. He’s also telling Vio how to fix something!
We had a pizza lunch at a friends house. Alex got to see some old playgroup friends and was teaching a few of them how to play football. At the library later we got a lot of animal books, including 2 deleted items that were just given to us!
Star Wars has been popular in the house. We’re watching the clone wars but Alex wanted to see a movie so we put episode 1 on for him. It took a few sittings to get through it all! We had considered the new movie at the cinema but I’m not sure Alex is that into Star Wars yet to spend $50!
We attended a close friend (now in school) birthday at Latitude. It was our first time and it was great fun! Alex did some amazing climbs! Alex had made a card for his friend too. I am quite impressed by his writing to be honest. He does no practice handwriting of course and is not a keen drawer, but he copied my writing which was successfully read by the birthday child’s mum who is a teacher!
At home we’ve played outside lots – football shooting, climbing, chase, trampoline. The kids have really started using the climbing dome and I watched ad Alex helped Daniel, it’s so nice to see. We watched as some ants devoured the food Daniel dropped. We did a ‘fireworks in a jar’ experiment which was a little bit of fun.
With Daniel in bed early, i watched some iPad with Alex and he chose Magic School Bus, I was interested to see it as it had been recommended to me as ‘educational’. We both found it terribly annoying!
There was one thing I noticed in the day but can’t remember the context.Alex was telling Daniel not to do something, and instead of saying ‘don’t do x because y is going to happen’ , he said ‘don’t do x because y might to happen’. I was quite pleased with myself at that point! lol.