At home there was lightsaber duels, helping Vio with the building of the chicken coop and then watching Star Wars Clone Wars and Dragons at night after Daniel asleep.
Alex has been talking of roller shoes – we’ve looked in nearby stores but to no avail, and so tried the market. We had to buy fruit anyway as our local organic supplier is closed for holidays. We didn’t find any here either! But had a nice lunch followed by a few hours (dictated by parking restrictions) at the children’s garden that the RBG. The kids had a ball in their wetsuits playing in the fountains and catching tadpoles.
On the drive home, Alex asked more ‘big’ questions – like where living things came from. I told him about the ideas of life’s origins (not creationism though) and he asked about the smallest animal, which I believed to be bacteria so we looked it up at home. It depends on your definition of animal, it seems. We played with the magnetic tiles, the kids are enjoying building towers and knocking them down at the moment. And of course we watched some TV 🙂
New Years Eve!!! We went to a friends house for a play – such a hot day! On the way out we played I spy. Alex got 3 I couldn’t get! He asked me what the ‘sticking out things’ from houses were, I told him antenna/aerials that receive signal for the TV. We discussed information passing as waves, he used the word invisible. I told him the same thing happens with my phone, how satellites send and receive signals, how they orbit the Earth like the moon. He remembered Curious George going to space to fix a satellite. it was a lovely conversation, and I only answered what he wanted – I did not take it as an opportunity to ‘teach’ him (I’m learning!!) In the evening we went to Footscray Park for the fireworks. it seems this has become our family tradition. This year we went alone, but a friend came and found us to say a quick hello. Alex ran around lots and the kids had glow sticks. They enjoyed the fireworks and fell asleep on the drive home. Goodbye 2015!