After a short play with friends at the park outside, we headed into the city for some lunch and on to Fed Square to check out the lego tree. Here we bumped into some HS friends, so Alex had a run around with one of them and then got to play on the giant chess board. We looked at a small lego display, and then got ice-cream on the way home. It was a really nice, laid back day except I had to get home to go to work. Vio took the kids out for burgers that night to celebrate his C licence approval. They went for a bike ride and played football. Love the light nights 🙂
The next morning we were expecting visitors and so whilst we waited Alex wanted to play a dice game (he had seen the 10 sided dice in my schoolteachers kit and asked to play with them). We added the numbers together from 2 dice to see who would win and kept a tally. Alex explained tallies to me (he’d used them at karate to count sit-ups in the past). Alex was jumping around in the living room and I noticed he’d stop to watch the large fake flowers in the tall vase after each jump. I suggested he jump further away and also on the kitchen tiles to see what happened. He was very curious about it so we talked a bit about vibrations.
We then had our last gymnastics session. The kids got medals at the end and were really pleased to receive them, though Daniel refused to go up to collect his! That night after karate for Alex and then dinner, we went for a drive to ‘Aussie Claus’ in Plumpton to see some christmas lights. It’s a tree farm where the owner has created a huge walk around display. The kids loved the train and we did several loops to follow it on its journey.