At home Vio did lots around the house and I played with kids. Once Daniel was napping I took the opportunity to review our ‘wonder wall’. I’m trying to note down Alex’s questions. He has talked about the pink lake previously near the Westgate Bridge and we’ve researched why it becomes pink (this was triggered by our recent passing when the lake was no longer pink – we checked it out and it turns out we’ll see it pink again when the warm weather returns). So we decided to do the egg floating demo where in regular water the egg sinks, but when you add salt the eggs floats due to the increased density of the water. We talked about the saltwater being like the ocean and that water evaporates from the salt lakes to concentrate the salt quantity. Alex asked if we could leave the saltwater out in the sun to evaporate the water. I said we could speed it up! So we measured the water solution to be 750ml. We put in into a saucepan and heated it. Every 15 mins, using a sand timer, we re-measured and recorded the volume of water until it had completely evaporated! Alex lost interest for the last 2 times (it did take 90 minutes altogether) but I continued so I could show him the salt left behind. He was pretty impressed 🙂
We watched some TV and drew with chalk outside. We went to the shops so I could buy some new sleepwear! Alex ended up buying a transformer with his pocket money. He tried adding some detail to it using a permanent marker but wasn’t happy with it and so we tried to fix it by using nail polish remover the next day. It worked!
The kids couldn’t decide on what to watch at breakfast time so I suggested we flip a coin. Alex was keen on the idea, but then he lost :/ I remembered Alex had asked about the fastest animal in the water as he knew the cheetah and peregrine falcon were fastest on land and in air respectively. After a bit iof googling, we found it to be the sailfish! We looked at an image but he didn’t want to read about them much.
The kids helped make some muffins then we walked to the skate park for an hour before complaining of the heat and heading home! Daniel was collecting rocks and Alex climbed the rock wall, completely unaided!
We played a new app called planet lettra and also robot school. I really liked the latter game. I’ve noticed Daniel collects snacks and drinks for himself and also for Alex, he even gives Alex the most in a bowl of whatever he’s having. I’ve been thinking a lot about how being the younger sibling shapes who he is, and being the younger sibling of a child like Alex in particular!