So the week started off with Science Club. I didn’t even have to wake the kids! Science Club started off with some rockets that unfortunately didn’t work. Then a lot of the kids moved on to free play and eating but there were a few that wanted to do the exploding bag experiment, Alex being one of them. He is very focussed and a good participant (without any pushing from me, even better). This time the kids got to do multiple experiments and play with quantities before causing a bag to pop as a result of the reaction that produced a gas. Daniel was a lot more independent today, perhaps he is becoming used to the people and place, or takes comfort in his toys being in the place! Anyway, it seems the day was bittersweet, as I had a call from the main organiser regarding Alex and his ‘behaviour’. I am disappointed to say the least, not with Alex but the attitudes of adults. And the suggestions and implications made were inappropriate and unfair. Unfortunately due to Alex’s energetic tendencies (noise and physical play), I was told I would need to watch him more (an idea that I find quite offensive as I am rarely away from him!) I have decided not to return to Science Club. I cannot have Alex in such an environment where kids are not empathised with. And I am assured that Alex is not some kind of bully, going around and beating up on kids! The other kids often initiate the play and engage with him in a way that they probably aren’t able to do anywhere else. Unfortunately the games have ended in tears once or twice and now a scapegoat has been targeted. But I won’t let them lock on! All it would have taken is for an agreement on behaviour to be discussed and to ensure the kids stop before someone gets hurt. Unfortunately (again) a lot of the kids in this group are anxiety sufferers and find it hard to speak up. Alex has been very upset about not going back. Of course I have not told him why. To be honest I was also becoming concerned by the growing age range at the club, and the eagerness of others to hire ‘real’ teachers. I’m not looking for a school substitute. We have chosen to homeschool because we believe school to be inferior to real life learning.
Alex playing with magnets
Interestingly I found Alex playing with magnets, using them to push around a can- one of the experiments planned for physics next year!
We had our first visit to MSAC this week. the kids loved it, the wave pool was great, though time was very short with the waves on! definitely a place to go back to 🙂
We visited Animal Land and Maggie still hasn’t had her baby! Vio took the kids out to the park whilst I was at work. Alex has been asking about tennis, specifically with Lucas. So I’ve arranged a play date with Lucas and caleb for the weekend.
Another morning, Alex and I made a train track before Daniel was even up. Alex said we had to make 2 separate tracks and then join them. This didn’t last and he soon had me helping him and we just made one big track. Later that day we visited the grandparents and went to the library. I exchanged all of our books as Alex asks to keep them but isn’t wanting to read anytime I suggest it. I picked up a chapter book called ‘Ninja Meerkats’ as Alex has been pretending to be a ninja and stalk/watch me without me knowing.
Finally, we went to Kidz City play centre to meet some homeschooled friends. These kids are great, and the parents even better. They get that kids are kids, and one of them has also had issues with her children being accepted as they are and being accused of being ‘bad influences’ etc. Hopefully these friendships can blossom. The kids all went off together, including the little ones (two 2 year olds and a 15mth old). they took care of each other, it was beautiful. Alex needs some good friends, not loads of friends. We had to leave playcentre to go to gymnastics, Daniel was exhausted after! When we got home we switched on TV and laughed away at ‘larvae’ and watched Wild Kratts.
Daniel has been counting 1 2 3 9 10, and calling me a punk ass :/ The week has been full of excitement!