
Bike riding and creature powers!

Alex made it to a Saturday morning karate session! He was so happy about it and afterwards commented on how silly it was to have been scared. I said it’s easy to think that way after you know something is OK. He also used the word ‘stupid’, so we talked about that too. he says it often, and idiot – when he is upset with us for not agreeing with a choice he’s made or wants to make usually. Anyway, Alex has also decided he’d like to try some new things and I like that idea, because 5 days of martial arts at 5 years old is way too much! I think scouts is one place to start. I think it will be nice for him to be around 6/7 year olds and do some joint activities. Plus I like the community focus of it. Alex likes the idea as his friend Caleb will be going too and he doesn’t see him as much as he’d like to. So we’ll give that a go in 2016.



The kids have been riding their bikes in the court a lot. Daniel was playing around in the driveway, being very brave as he surrendered to the decline! Alex came along and suggested a race, and declared “activating peregrine falcon powers!” Very reflective of his current screen watching interests. Wild kratts is still flavour of the month.


That evening we had family over for a BBQ. The Vio went out to the movies and the kids and I enjoyed the warm evening in the garden – Alex drew a  chalk race track and we raced cars around. It was a lot of fun! After each race he would add to the track some obstacles or an extension. There were ramps, zoom pads and speed bumps. Once PJs were oin we used wikipedia to help us work out which wild kratts Alex had not yet seen and we searched for them on youtube.

Race tracks!


Sunday was a pretty easy day at home. Alex grabbed the book he’d seen at Aldi on drawing birds and started drawing, though didn’t complete it. I was surprised as I was reluctant to buy it as following instructions in his play is not something he enjoys – lego for instance doesn’t appeal much to him. He likes them, but the building from instructions is not enjoyable I think. Which is interesting as he likes to create with magnetic tiles, or with lego just being creative and investigating what I see to be engineering principles. Check out the truck he made from magnetic tiles!

Magnetic tiles truck!


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