
Bikes and fractions

I organised a homeschool group outing to the local bike education centre. It was very popular, although the organising was a little tricky. It was such a good value for money experience, the kids absolutely loved it! Alex surprised me by obeying the road rules pretty well. Daniel was zooming around on his bike, not obeying road rules of course, and I had to run to keep up! We went to Brimbank park afterwards, and again the kids rode their bikes.










Alex randomly grabbed a post-it and started writing numbers, from memory not copied. He wrote 1-5, then wrote another 1 because he was over 5 but not 6 yet. So I showed him what “1/2” looks like and he traced it – because he wanted to, I did not suggest it at all.

Alex likes to talk about his snakes whilst we’re driving in the car. The seem to get longer every time!  This time he said he snake could go around 2/4 of the world , and informed me that that was 1/2! Whilst driving, I felt a kick in my back. i asked Alex “did you want me for something or did you accidentally poke me in the back?” He replied that he’d had an itch. I couldn’t believe that i’d just managed to avoid an argument – I could easily have shouted ‘Stop kicking me etc etc”. Mindset really plays an important part in parenting.

The following day we visited the grandparents – they have some little chicks that recently hatched. the kids loved seeing and holding them! Afterwards we had gymnastics, then of course football.

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