We’ve had a few home days and we have not had limits on screens for about 18 months now. So what do the kids do when they are at home? They don’t just sit in front of the TV or computer!! We have filled a few days with lego, drawing with chalk outside, bike rides in the court, bouncing on the trampoline, play dough, building train tracks and having grandparents visit. Here is a picture of Alex showing Gigi some snakes in a book from the library.

As Gigi visited, he helped us to hang up the canaries to a safer position outside and we separated the babies from the parents. Alex drew a snake with chalk outside (as he was upset with Vio for cleaning his previous one up). this time Alex drew the snake head himself though – he usually asks me to do it but I couldn’t when he asked so he tried himself 🙂
There have been times of course when we’ve watched TV. Alex’s current favourites are Wild Kratts and Battle Force 5. He’s taken quite a interest in the lyrics of the theme tunes and sings them coyly as the show starts. We practice in the car sometimes too! We looked up some clips of break dancing and Alex watched some tutorials eagerly though hasn’t tried much yet. We also found a Wild Kratts website filled with games that were explored for several hours!