Ranger rodolfo hosted a Minibeasts discovery just for homeschoolers. Another group was there also. We have done it before but really enjoyed it. The kids had fun using the nets to try and catch minibeasts and I took our own microscopes to look at them as the group was very big and there weren’t enough to go round. Somebody found a small long-necked turtle. Daniel was particularly fascinated! A group of spitfire caterpillars were also found which fascinated the boys.
Afterwards Alex was playing with the bigger kids. they were protecting their fort. it was going quite well until we had to leave! We had gymnastics to get to. This was a great week as the age groups were brought together at the end and we played games with a giant parachute! Afterwards Alex played football for 2 hours. Vio was very proud of his hard work, whilst Alex was proud of his goals! We really emphasise the work on ground (running, tackling etc) rather than the result of a goal.
Alex was understandably exhausted and as a result quite emotional. We discovered the canaries to have laid 5 eggs! The first 4 chicks are getting big, and the news that we could not keep them all was not well received by Alex 🙁 We’ve talked about the options and Alex has decided to find them new homes but keep a few. The new chicks will determine what happens!