Science Club is going well. This week was especially fun with the kids making slime (non-Newtonian fluid) and then getting to jump in a big bucket of the stuff. It was great to watch their joy as they bounced on the ‘liquid’ quickly, then stopped and sank, and then tried to jump again to find they couldn’t move! We didn’t go to the park afterwards as it had been raining and no-one else was up for it, so we came home to play.
Alex had his kickathon at karate. This was a HUGE lesson for me! Vio and i had sponsored him 10c per kick as in practice he had told us he did 67 and 143 respectively. He ended up doing 2200!! Of course I cannot pay $220 to the club but they of course were understanding – a good lesson in place value for me at least. Some kids kicked more but Alex was in the top 10, he was proud to have done so many and told anyone who would listen over the next few days. We decided to get Alex a new transformer to celebrate and ease the blow of the sponsorship explanation!
On our HS park day I took along our handheld microscopes and the kids looked at the rocks, the bark and other things around. We noticed a caterpillar climbing the tree and watched it for a while. it was a hairy one, and so I advised we didn’t touch it (I still don’t know much about Australian wildlife – probably should do though!) Some others came later and we walked down to the ‘beach’. The kids played in the water and generally had fun. they always do here 🙂

There was one day that stood out this week where unschooling felt like the here and now rather than the future. Alex got up early and we watched about an hour of TV together, then went to play. We put up the beach tent together and pegged on a door. Daniel woke up about then and the kids enjoyed hiding before they set to building a train track that ran in and out of the tent. We got ready to go out, first running a few errands and then made our way to a new park. It’s called Saltwater Crocodile park and it’s a water play space. It was fantastic! We stayed for about 2 hours. Kids were in wet suits so didn’t get cold or burnt. We’ll definitely be going back!