We have been building ALOT of train tracks these past few weeks. Daniel is also enjoying them. Alex has gotten upset at this a few times and asks me to rebuild them, so we decided to take pictures of each track with his iPad and store them to help us rebuild at any time.
I spotted this cool little gadget at Aldi – a battery tester. Alex is often going to the drawer for new batteries (we go through so many) so I thought it would be interesting for us to see if the batteries we are replacing are really dead. There are a series of lights that change depending on the level of energy left in the battery. Alex has gone back to use it a few times, but the first time we used it we checked all of the batteries we had put aside for recycling so it’s been a great little tool.
We’ve also been playing with a lot of playdough, and have gone through much of it as it gets left out and goes hard! I’m trying to make my own rather than buy it too. daniel is now rolling it and manipulating the tools very capably. Alex often comes over and makes a snake of course.