We returned to one of our favourite places (Animal land) to see if Maggie had had her baby yet. Unfortunately for us she had not, but the farm was filled with many baby animals, the cutest of which were piglets born that day! The boys were not quite as persistent in feeding the animals as usual, and the animals weren’t that keen either as they had already been fed by a school group.
We’ve been watching a fair bit of TV recently, especially as Daniel becomes more interested. He likes Peppa pig, whilst Alex is enjoying transformers mainly. The other things we do at home are playing together on the trampoline and playing in the play room, either with playdough or trains mostly, but the kids have been building a lot too. It started when I brought down the magnetic tiles as they’d been forgotten a little. Alex started to build an airport, into which I placed a few of his transformers. he then got the idea to create a place to live for each transformer and so it evolved. It was quite an amazing transformation.

We are still attending gymnastics. Every time Alex finishes, he comes and gives Daniel a hug and sits with him. I never really noticed until someone commented in how lovely it was. The boys are becoming better friends and playing together, though of course the age gap is still quite significant right now. I really hope that in the years to come our lifestyle choice has a great influence on their relationship being a positive one. They are already quite different people, but they are very fond of each other. Some of my favourite moments in our days is seeing them hug.
We also visit the library most weeks to return and borrow new books. Daniel is enjoying Maisy books, and Alex will read almost anything. At night we are reading Roald Dahl chapter books. I leave the library books in the living room as our own books are in the playroom so that they don’t get mixed up and don’t get forgotten. I want them in view all the time. Often the kids will grab a book and Vio reads to them too. I love seeing this and often just watch them. I’ll also offer to read to them, but I never insist.
Alex started football post season training with Vio. It’s been a bit of a family project and hopefully it will help Vio move forward with his dreams and ambitions in coaching. It’s great to see him so passionate about something. it’s great that i can help. it’s great that Alex enjoys it too and hopefully Daniel will in future years. I’m also really grateful to have a husband that feels the same way as i do about life – work and money are not a reason for living, and that we can always be working towards goals that make us happy. Our family is so much more than the sum of each of us as individuals.
As for karate and ju-jitsu, Alex is still enjoying them. In fact, he saved his own pocket money to buy a club training bag. Well half of it, but it was $60 so saving his pocket money for over a month is quite an achievement. He tried to get an advance, as I have done before. I suggested he find a way of making more money such as earning it. He chose to just as his grandfather instead, lol. I attended presentation, I always enjoy seeing Alex’s progression. It happened to be the club anniversary and so Vio took Alex to the dinner that night. There were a few issues of etiquette and many spills apparently!